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Accounting Notes Strategic Finance, Digitization and Extended Enterprises Notes

Topic 4 Additional Reading The Boundaries Of The Firm Notes

Updated Topic 4 Additional Reading The Boundaries Of The Firm Notes

Strategic Finance, Digitization and Extended Enterprises Notes

Strategic Finance, Digitization and Extended Enterprises

Approximately 97 pages

AC310: Management Accounting, Financial Management and Organizational Control - Modules 1 (Strategic Finance, Digitization and Extended Enterprises).

These notes cover the first module of the AC310 Management Accounting course at LSE which covers the following topics: Management and strategic finance, e-business cost management, cyber-marketing and financial controls, internet entrepreneurship, e-business pricing strategies, extended enterprise controls, globalisation and financial management ch...

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Strategic Finance, Digitization and Extended Enterprises Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:

  • Increasingly, the production of raw commodities is being outsourced on a contract basis

    • It is estimated that more than 1 in every 10 farmers in the US is contracted to agribusiness (Rhodes, 1993)

  • Increased specialization and closer ties with processors

  • Outsourcing as a governance form in the agricultural supply chain

  • Transaction cost analysis can contribute to a better understanding of outsourcing from the perspective of the outsourcer

  • The need for responsive strategies and strategy requires firms to adopt organization structures that are able to react to changes in the market conditions (Abernathy and Lillis, 2001)

  • Resource-based theory of strategic management – The firm concentrating its limited resources on core activities and divesting out of non-core activities in order to determine the boundaries of the firm (Coase, 1937; Mahoney, 1992)

  • Joslin (2003) examines certain features of TCT to guide the make versus buy decision

  • Van den Bogaard and Spekle (2003) suggest that the suitability of a strategy-based structure can be tested by adopting a TCA approach to determine the optimum structure

The make or buy decision

  • As transaction costs increase the firm begins investigating self-producing the necessary goods and services (Williamson, 1979)

  • Increased efficiency of the market place offsets the bureaucracy costs of self-production

  • Why do firms outsource activities to minimize total cost?

    • Allows firm to focus on core activities and avoid in-house duplication of support facilities

    • Contracting out reduces costs because of economies of scale achieved by the supplier

    • In-house non-core activities increasingly require excessive training

    • Firms outsource activities to reduce reliance on people and to reduce fixed cost and replace with variable cost

  • Nec-classical theory ignores the interplay between cost and the exchange characteristics of opportunism, asset specificity, uncertainty and the frequency of transactions (Anderson et al., 2000)

Transaction cost analysis (TCA)

  • One stage of activity terminates and another begins (Rowlinson, 1997)

  • Certain activities are better co-ordinated in the market place whilst others should be co-ordinated within the firm hierarchy in order to minimize transaction cost

  • The firm can be viewed as a nexus of internal and external contracts that co-ordinate activities both inside and outside the firm

  • A key feature of TCA is the matching of appropriate contract structures with the activities being co-ordinated in order to minimize transaction cost (Barney and Ouchi, 1988)

  • Costs include:

    • Bureaucratic costs

    • Motivation costs

    • Cos of worker inefficiencies

    • Legal costs of monitoring long-term contracts (Hayes et al, 2000)

  • Uncertainty can occur because:

    • of the nature of the goods and services being transacted

    • A lack of commitment by the parties

    • Information asymmetry

    • Situation where asset specificity exists

  • Asset specificity can occur when one of...

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