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Classics Notes Vocabulary for Latin Core texts Notes

Cicero Pro Archia – Select Vocab Notes

Updated Cicero Pro Archia – Select Vocab Notes

Vocabulary for Latin Core texts Notes

Vocabulary for Latin Core texts

Approximately 95 pages

Vocabulary for selected texts on the Latin Core syllabus at Oxford:
- Lucretius book 1
- Propertius book 4
- Horace book 3
- Selected vocab for Catullus 64/68 and Cicero Pro Archia (hardest words only)


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sentio realise, perceive
quid ingeni any talent
exercitatio practice, experience
iudices gentlemen of the jury
infitior deny
mediocriter somewhat
versor be engaged in
proficiscor set forth, derive
ratio methology, course
huius rei of this case
confiteor confess, admit
abhorreo (+ abl) be adverse to
fructus profit, benefit, reward
prope suo iure nearly by his own right
disciplina training
repeto see in return
quoad as far as
respiceo look back on
prateritus past, former
spatium period, interval
recordor recall
inde usque from that point on
longissime into the pase
studium intellectual pursuit
quod si but if
non nullis not for none
aliquando from time to time
salus security
conformo train, shape
opitulor give help to
servo defend in court
profecto surely, certainly
situs lying in one’s control
facultas ability, skill
ne...quidem not even
etenim and indeed
humanitas civilisation, culture
pertineo pertain, relate to
quasi as it were
cognatio blood relationship, kinship
contineo hold together
legitimus of the law
quaestio court
iudicium trial
rem agere to conduct a case
conventus assembly, court of law
severus strict, old-fashioned
genus type, style
consuetudo practice, one’s customary manner
forensis of the law-courts
quaeso ask
venia indugence, favour
accommodor be appropriate
reus defendant
quemadmodum as
exerceo preside
paulo by a little
littera culture, literature
tractor be introduced
minime infrequently
in iudiciis periculisque into the legal hazards of the courts
inusitatus unusual, unfamiliar


sentiam I shall perceive
segrego separate, exclude
ascisco enroll
ut primum as soon as
aetas puerilis period of boyhood
artes studies, pursuits
se contulit he applied himself
copiosus rich, well-supplied
adfluo abound, be rich
antecello excel, surpass
vehementius more enthusiastically
cognitio recognition, acquaintance
celebritas renown, notoriety
iam absentibus even to men he had never met
nanciscor get attached to a person
res gestae deeds, achievements
ad scribendum for literary composition
faveo (+ dat) show favour, give support
lumen brilliance, excellence
familiaris welcome, intimate
iucundus on friendly terms with
devincio hold, bound
consuetudo friendship
studeo devote oneself, be eager
simulo pretend
interim meanwhile
satis longo intervallo after sufficient time had passed


foederatus bound by treaty to Rome
domocilium permanent residence
profiteor enroll, register
religio conscientiousness
intersum attend, be present
huius iudici causa for the sake of this trial
tabulae public records
intereo be destroyed
tabularium record office
amplus magnificent
interger not affected by war
ius iurandum sworn oath
fides trust, agreement
repudio refuse, reject
depravo corrupt
corrumpo tamper with, corrupt
immo on the contrary
conlegium board of magistrates
professio formal declaration before a magistrate
levitas unreliablity, carelessness
damnatio condemnation in a court of law
resigno fidem remove credability
litura erasure, correction


praesertim especially
mediocris ordinary, average
praeditus (+ abl) endowed with
gratuito for nothing
impertio present, offer
largio bestow, confer
artifex actor
scaenius of the stage
inrepo slip in
censor magistrate who takes census
proximis censoribus under the last censors
ius civitatis citizenship
pro cive in the manner of a citizen
criminor accuse
ipsius iudicio in his own opinion
hereditas inheritance
defero confer, recommend
beneficium reward
aerarium treasury
revinco convict of a falsehood
delector (+ abl) be delighted by, take pleasure in
tanto opere so greatly
suppedito supply, make available
reficio restore, refresh, revive
conquiesco rest, relax
convicium noise, clamour, shouts
defetiscor be worn out, suffer exhaustion
existimo consider, hold an opinion
suppeto be available
excolo improve
contentio conflict, disagreement
abdo devote oneself to
communem fructum common benefit
abstraho divert, distract
avoco divert, distract
reprehendo find fault
suscenseo be angry with
iure with good reason, rightly
tempastivus early, elaborate
alveolus gaming-board
recolo resume a pursuit
quidem indeed
haurio draw, derive


cruciatus pain, anguish, agony
persequor strive to accomplish
in ea persequenda in the pursuit of which
parvi ducenda should be considered of little importance
dimicatio struggle
profligatus ruined, desperate
vetustas tradition, antiquity
intueor watch, reflect upon
propono (+dat) hold up to oneself (as a model)
cogitatio reflection, thought
quispiam someone
habitus quality, character
per se ipsos of their own accord
natura natural disposition
contendo assert, allege
inlustris famous, distinguished
conformatio education
singularis unusual, remarkable
ex hoc numero in this number, among these
continens self-restrained, temperate
remissio relaxation
liberalis gentlemanly, decent
oblecto delight, amuse, entertain
perfugium refuge, shelter, sanctuary
pernocto spend the night
agrestis coarse, unrefined
omnino altogether, entirely
concilio win over, obtain


sententia sentence, phrase
consto (+ ex + abl) consist of
inflo inspire
valeo have power
barbaria brutality, barbarism
solitudo deserted place, uninhabited country
vindico lay claim to
permultus very many
voluntas choice, personal inclination
attingo touch upon, treat
iucundus agreeable
durior rather insensitive
praeconium public announcement
acroama form of entertainment, act
cum ex eo quaeretur when it was asked of him
praedico declare publicly
item likewise
exprimo express, portray
inlustro make famous
ops ...

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