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LLM Law Notes International Merger Control Notes

1 Introduction To International Merger Control Notes

Updated 1 Introduction To International Merger Control Notes

International Merger Control Notes

International Merger Control

Approximately 75 pages

Updated in 2020. The notes are a summary of the key points of the lecture with some landmark cases. Direct and easy to understand for exam purposes.
1. Introduction to competition law and policy, and to the impact of merger control on corporate transactions

2. Jurisdictional rules: turnover, assets, local nexus, control, levels of shareholding, treatment of joint ventures.

3. Procedural rules: mandatory versus voluntary notification, administrative versus judicial review, duration of the r...

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our International Merger Control Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:

MCL - International Merger Control International Merger Control 1- Introduction Mind Map Introduction (1) General view of Competition Law (2) Objective of anti-trust policy (3) Competitive markets [Benefits & failure to ensure] (4) Consumer welfare (5) Standard economic analyses welfare: ? Perfect Competitive market - consumer surplus and producer surplus ? Total Welfare Overview (1) (2) (3) (4) Theory Concept of Efficiency Challenges to NeoCompetition Classical Model (1) "competition" Anti-competition (1) Social welfare (1) Workable competition agreements - means "a (2) 4 types of efficiency: (2) Effective Competition Horizontal and process of rivalry ? Static efficiency vertical between firms - Allocative Abusive - seeking to win - Productive monopolist/behav business ? Dynamic efficiency iour dominant firm overtime" ? Transactional Mergers (2) Supply, demand efficiency & market (3) Type 1 Error - false ? consumer equilibrium s deprived positive (there is pro(3) Market checking of choice competition; overprocess ? Higher enforcement error by price competition authority) Public restriction Type 2 Error - False of competition negative (there is anticompetition; underenforcement error by competition authority) Different School of Thought (1) Evolution of activist (2) Initial aim - protect all small businesses ? Harvard School (Market Structure - small business) ? Chicago School (Consumer welfare) ? PostChicago (Consumer Choice- consumer welfare; not market; look at behaviour of firm) ? Neo-Harvard & Neo -Chicago (US anti-trust rules -consumer welfare) 1

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