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Medicine Notes Biochemistry Notes

How Glycogen Metabolism Is Controlled In The Liver And Muscle Notes

Updated How Glycogen Metabolism Is Controlled In The Liver And Muscle Notes

Biochemistry Notes


Approximately 28 pages

This includes a set of detailed but concise notes on glycogen metabolism, fats transport, nitrogen transport, principles of glycogen metabolism, control of gene expression, synthesis of DNA vs RNA, DNA suitability, factors in genetic disease incidence, regulatory principles in metabolism, methods of genetic analysis, Sanger sequencing, the respiratory chain, the ornithine/urea cycle, and fatty acid metabolism. There are also two essays on what determines protein structure and how enzymes are suit...

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Control of glycogen metabolism in the liver and muscle

Glycogen catabolism:

  • Glycogen is broken down by the following enzymes:

  • Glycogen phosphorylase removes one glucosyl residue at A time from the non-reducing ends of glycogen, catalysing the following reaction:

    • Glycogen(n) + Pi glucose-1-phosphate + glycogen(n-1)

  • Glycogen phosphorylase can only act on α-1,4 glycosidic linkages until 4 residues away from a branching α-1-6 linkage

  • The bifunctional debranching enzyme moves the next 3 residues to another branch (transferase site) and cleaves the α-1,4 linkage to release the last glucose (α-1,6 glucosidase site)

  • This leaves one unbranched elongated chain for glycogen phosphorylase

  • The glucose-1-phosphate released is converted to glucose-6-phosphate by phosphoglucomutase

Muscle and liver differences are reflected in glycogen catabolism control:

  • Glucose-6-phosphate enters glycolysis in most tissues inc. muscle, but the liver expresses glucose-6-phosphatase (in the lumen of ER) so the glucose-6-phosphate can be converted to glucose and released

  • Muscle uses glucose to produce ATP for its own energy use whereas liver provides glucose for peripheral tissues; this necessitates different regulation in these tissues

  • Control is primarily of glycogen phosphorylase, which is the rate-limiting process of glycogen catabolism and is expressed as different isozymes in liver and muscle

  • Both isozymes have a phosphorylase A and a phosphorylase B isoform; phosphorylase A is phosphorylated

  • Both isoforms have an active, relaxed (R) and inactive, tense (T) state

  • Phosphorylase B’s equilibrium strongly favours the T state; phosphorylase A’s equilibrium strongly favours the R state

In muscle:

  • Most phosphorylase is in the B isoform at rest

  • High AMP ratios (signalling exercise) allosterically stabilises the R state of phosphorylase B

  • ATP competes with AMP for this binding site, so abundant energy promotes the T state

  • Glucose-6-phosphate, phosphorylase B’s product, also favours the T state

  • Phosphorylase A is active independent of AMP, ATP or G6P, so phosphorylase B is converted to phosphorylase A via phosphorylase kinase upon hormonal stimulation

  • Adrenaline (signalling impending exercise) initiates a cascade via β-adrenoreceptors:

    • Gs activated adenylate cyclase activated [cAMP] increases PKA activated phosphorylase kinase phosphorylated glycogen phosphorylase B phosphorylated [glycogen phosphorylase A] increases

  • Phosphorylase kinase is also stimulated upon electrical excitation of the cell and upon [Ca2+] increasing (both of which signal contraction)

  • Ca2+activates phosphorylase kinase because one of its units is calmodulin

  • Maximum activity of phosphorylase kinase is only achieved with both high calcium levels and phosphorylation

In the liver:

  • In liver, phosphorylase is not responsive to AMP as the liver’s energy charge never dramatically falls

  • Glucose binds to phosphorylase A,...

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