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PPE Notes The Philosophy of Science and Social Science Notes

Newton Smith On Kuhn Notes

Updated Newton Smith On Kuhn Notes

The Philosophy of Science and Social Science Notes

The Philosophy of Science and Social Science

Approximately 88 pages

Notes on various texts and debates in the philosophy of science and philosophy of social science, including explanation, relativism, interpretation, and individual/holism....

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TS Kuhn: From Revolutionary to Social Democrat

1. Kuhn and the image of science

  • Two lines of attack on normal image of science:

    • Weak/boring attack - there is a special method and ideal mode of application but scientific practice falls short of this

    • Strong/exciting attack - there is no such defensible ideal with which actual practice can be compared (early Kuhn)

  • Is Kuhn’s use of term ‘paradigm’ too vague? Components include:

    • Shared symbolic generalizations - theoretical assumptions that are deployed without question

    • Models - agreement over particular analogies or that certain connections should be treated as identities

    • Values - theories ought to be accurate, consistent, wide in scope, simple and fruitful. Which theories are most ‘simple’ etc will be contested, intractably

    • Metaphysical principles - untestable assumptions that guide research e.g. preference for field theories over particle theories

    • Exemplars or concrete problem situations - agreement on what constitutes the nice problems of a field and what constitutes their solution. Demonstrated by textbooks. Also, consensus on what are the unsolved problems

  • According to Newton-Smith, the final meaning is the ‘genesis’ of Kuhn’s understanding of paradigm, or ‘disciplinary matrix’

    • We cannot make rules specifying necessary and sufficient conditions for simple, observational predicates (e.g. is a swan) so insofar as we make such observations, we rely on exemplar cases of the instantiation of the predicate

    • Similarly in science, where shared exemplars of successful solutions are substituted for shared rules of successful solutions

  • Kuhn’s use of paradigm is too broad and vague to support his assertion that the history of science is the history of clear, delineated paradigms

    • it is, however, useful in drawing attention the the importance of background beliefs, attitudes, procedures and techniques in understanding science

2. Revolutions

  • Normal science includes agreement over problems and over what constitutes a solution

    • during normal science, if a test fails, the ability of the tester is questioned, not the theory

  • Breakdown leads to competition between paradigms. There is no standard higher than the assent of relevant scientific communities, so propagandizing plays a key role. In fact, given that opposing paradigms are incommensurable, only propagandizing plays a role

  • Kuhn assumes radical meaning variance (RMV), which holds that there is no logical contradiction between Newton’s assertion that simultaneity is not relative and Einstein’s assertion that simultaneity is relative

  • RMV means that the problem of rational comparison of rival theories does not arise (what about degrees of RMV?)

  • Incommensurability of paradigms would surely rely on radical variance in what constitutes a good explanation - incommensurability due to radical standard variance

    • Kuhn does not show that what constitutes a good explanation has varied in the history of science

    • e.g. shift from gravity as innate (and hence inexplicable (dubious?)) to mechanical explanation of gravity represents a change in beliefs as to what can be explained, not what constitutes a good explanation

    • Kuhn claims that the question: ‘which problems is it more significant to have solved?’ cannot be resolved non-circularly or non-paradigmatically

    • But surely the solution to problem A could be shown to lead to x, y and z paths of fruitful research, whereas B is a dead-end (isn’t this still paradigmatic?)

3. The Five Ways

  • If paradigms are to be commensurable, it will be necessary that there be consistency over what constitutes a good explanation. Kuhn does describe some of the characteristics good scientific theory should have:

    • Accuracy within its domain; should be in agreement with results of existing experiments/observations

    • Consistency, internally and with other accepted theories

    • Broad scope - consequences should extend far beyond the particular observations/laws/sub theories it initially explains

    • Should be simple - bringing order to otherwise confused phenomena

    • Should be fruitful of new research findings - should disclose new phenomena

  • Problem is different beliefs as to which theories are actually most simple, consistent, broad etc

  • Kuhn says that these five factors can be used to persuade scientists to change their mind, but this doesn’t show one theory to be better than another

    • these factors only have force because they are generally accepted, and there is no way of justifying them

    • thus the recognised criteria doesn’t allow for justification (functional exp: is this the accepted criteria because it doesn’t allow for justification?)

  • If there is no justification for these or any other principles of comparison, the project of the rationalist is doomed

    • Kuhn believes that if there could be justification for comparison, the principle of induction would be solved, and it cannot be

      • which principle of...

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