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PPE Notes Wittgenstein Notes

Sep Private Language Notes

Updated Sep Private Language Notes

Wittgenstein Notes


Approximately 96 pages

Notes on Wittgenstein's later writings on meaning, language, rules and philosophy of mind, together with extensive notes on secondary literature, including Russell, Kripke, Child, Blackburn and Baker & Hacker....

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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Private Language

1. Overview: Wittgenstein’s Argument and its Interpretations

  • 243-315 is not just a critique of private language but also a discussion of privacy, identity, inner/outer relations, sensations as objects, sensations as justification for sensation talk

    • but the conclusion of 244-271 is ‘that a language in principle unintelligible to anyone but its originating user is impossible’ - it would be unintelligible to its user as well

1.1 Recent Developments and Their Consequences

  • The attempt to interpret the Tractatus and the Philosophical Investigations together has led to two groups of interpretation

    • the orthodox/substantial/non-Pyrrhonian school see Wittgenstein as critiquing the method of other philosophers, and also presenting a positive model for how philosophy should be done

    • the resolute/Pyrrhonian school see Wittgenstein as presenting no positive theories, but rather showing traditional philosophical theorizing to be nonsensical

1.2 Are Claims Affirming the Possibility of a Private Language False or Nonsense?

  • One interpretation of the private language argument holds that its form is reductio ad absurdum - that it assumes the premises of a private language before showing this assumption to lead to absurdity/contradiction

    • on this interpretation the possibility of a private language is false

      • but on another interpretation (more likely a resolute reading) W shows the possibility to be nonsensical, even as a consequence of a reductio argument

      • the resolute reading rejects the idea that there is something determinate that we cannot do; rather, the idea is simply nonsense

2. The Significance of the Issue

  • The argument shows that not only actual language, but the very possibility of language depends on the possibility of agreement in human behaviour

  • The argument opposes the idea that there are metaphysical absolutes which are within our reach e.g. numbers

    • they are not self-identifying objects that force their use upon us

    • there is the same temptation with sensations: we feel a sensation, we call it an ‘itch’, and then the rules for application of the word ‘itch’ are governed by the sensation itself

      • this implies that the possibility of a shared practice is irrelevant to the concept of itching; the nature of itching would be revealed in a single mental act of naming it

        • this is Russell’s view, and Wittgenstein is beefing it

  • W is also beefing the philosophical orthodoxy that sees language as a matter of translating internal mental vocabulary into social vocabulary every time we speak

    • Descartes thought he could talk about his own sensory experiences whilst knowing nothing of the external world

    • we feel we can infallibly avoid error when describing ‘internal’ experiences

      • these problems all rely on sharability being irrelevant to meaning

3. The Private Language Argument Expounded

3.1 Preliminaries

  • On a substantial reading, W begins by clarifying what notion of a private language is to be examined - one which is necessarily private and refers to one’s immediate private sensations

    • W then argues that this idea is incoherent or nonsensical because it violates grammar - so W relies on a substantive view of meaning

      • (is there any view of meaning that isn’t substantive? what is the difference between this and a resolute reading? shouldn’t a substantial reading show the idea to be false, rather than nonsensical?)

  • On a resolute reading, W asks whether the question ‘can we imagine a private language that refers to only what the speaker can know?’ can have any sense to begin with

    • (isn’t this just the same as the substantial reading? we have to state what a private language would be in order for there to be a question at all, so what’s the difference between saying that it doesn’t make sense to ask the question and that the idea of a private language is false because it violates grammar?)

  • The sensations a private language is supposed to refer to are not ordinary sensations, but the sensations of a being with no publicly available mental life (e.g. Cartesian soul)

    • W claims that we cannot come to the idea of a private language via natural language, because in natural languages sensations are expressed

    • neither can we come to the idea by subtracting expression of sensations from natural language

      • this is because a name cannot be attached simply through mental association - naming a sensation requires a place to be available in a framework; a notion of sensation

        • with no such framework, the questions are:...

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