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Psychology Notes Social Psychology (2nd year) Notes

Impression Of Individuals Notes

Updated Impression Of Individuals Notes

Social Psychology (2nd year) Notes

Social Psychology (2nd year)

Approximately 47 pages

Topics include: group performance, impressions of individuals, norms & behaviour, norms & conformity, and the self. Relevant research is outlined, including methodology and findings.

These notes are informative, to the point, and easy to follow. They are drawn from a wide range of sources utilising additional course reading and independent reading....

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Social Psychology (2nd year) Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:


Construction of Reality What is real for us is shaped by cognitive processes and social processes
Pervasiveness of Social Influence Other people influence virtually all of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour, whether they are physically present or not
Mastery People strive to understand and predict events in the social world in order to obtain rewards
Connectedness People seek support, liking and acceptance from people they care about and value
Valuing ‘me and mine’ People desire to see themselves, and other people and groups connected to themselves, in a positive light
Conservatism Individuals’ and groups’ views of the world are slow to change and prone to perpetuate themselves
Accessibility Info that is most readily available has the most impact on thoughts, feelings, and behaviour
Superficiality versus depth People ordinarily put little effort into dealing with info, but at times are motivated to consider information in more depth


WHY do we form impressions?

Impressions guide our actions to meet our needs

Eg if we know somebody is hard working, we may ask them to be our study partner impressions guide us along the paths of our social lives


Cues for impression formation

We believe that appearance, behaviour, and choices reflect personality, preferences and lifestyles

Physical Appearance Walster et al., 1966

‘What is beautiful is good’

Randomly paired college men and women for an evening together

Researchers scored each student’s attractiveness, social skills, and had their grades/IQ/personality test scores

Physical attractiveness was the most important influence on satisfaction and increased likelihood for another date

Eagly & Makhijani, 1991 Attractive = interesting, warm, outgoing, socially skilled
Clifford, 1975 School teachers rate more physically attractive children as having more intelligence and greater academic potential
Stewart, 1985 More attractive criminals are given lighter prison sentences
Todorov, 2009 In USA and Korea, baby-faced adult males were viewed as more naïve, honest, kind, and warm
Zebrowitz et al., 1991 Website with over 1 million faces guess facts and political affiliation from photos = accuracy above chance
Nonverbal communication Info is communicated by facial expressions, eye contact, and body language
Friedman et al., 1988 We like those who express their feeling nonverbally more than less expressive people
Mehrabian, 1972 We like people who orient their bodies toward us and we believe they like us unconscious
Niedenthal & Cantor, 1986 We like those who look at us with dilated pupils – sign of interest and attention - unconscious
Ekman, 1987

Across many diverse cultures:

People express emotion with similar bodily postures and facial expressions

= emotional expression is a universal language

Ambady & Rosenthal, 1993

Impressions can be accurate

10secs of silent video of a teacher sufficient for impression formation

Impressions of the teacher matched those from the teachers’ students

Mast & Hall, 2004

Ps shown photos of an interaction between 2 co-workers

Ps could accurately judge which had the higher status

Familiarity Zajonc, 1968 Mere exposure effect
Moreland & Beach, 1992 Women seen more often in college lecture are rated as more interesting/warm by students
Environment Gosling et al., 2022

Ps observed college dorms but never met who lived there

Observers impressions were similar to how the occupant rated themselves

Similar accuracy found when observes looked at offices

‘Behavioural residue’

Back et al., 2010

Ps looked at social-networking profiles

Their impressions of a person correlated highly with the users’ personalities

Behaviours Eg if you know someone volunteers a lot you can conclude they are caring an altruistic
Salient cues

Characs that are different stand out eg rude, being tall, keeping snakes

Nelson & Miller, 1995:

Ps more likely to buy a skydiving related birthday present for a friend who is a skydiver and tennis player

ie most distinct hobby is most salient and forms impression

How do we interpret cues?

via an automatic process using stored knowledge which influences all of our social beliefs and behaviours

Gilbert, 1998: first impressions rely on rapid but effortless automatic cognitive processes

2 forms:

Association – prior knowledge of links between cognitive representations

Accessibility – the ease and speed with which knowledge comes to mind


Strong links between cognitive representations

Think of one concept, the other is activated

eg stealing (behaviour) and dishonesty (personality trait)

Can be:

  • Similar in meaning eg sense of humour and laughter

  • Repeatedly thought about together eg fish and chips


Rely on info which comes to mind easily and quickly

Ford & Thompson, 2000: the more accessible the knowledge, the more likely it will automatically come to mind, so the more likely it is to guide our interpretation of cues

Information can become accessible and influence interpretation of cues in 3 ways:

Simultaneous activation:

MOOD: Isen, 1987:

Happy people see their own and others’ behaviour more positively activates positive information

PHYSICAL SENSATION: Ackerman, Nocera, & Bargh, 2010:

Ps asked to judge a job candidate whose CV was on either a heavy or light clipboard

Those holding the heaving board judged the candidate as more serious about the job

physical sensation of heaviness activates concepts of importance/seriousness

EXPECTATION: Kelley, 1950:

Students given background info on a guest lecturer before he arrived diff students told diff things

Results clearly demonstrated the effects of expectation

Rosenhan, 1973:

Doctors expect the patients to display disturbed behaviour

Patients in a mental hospital even though...

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