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Dingle v Turner And Others [1972] AC 601; [1972] 2 WLR 523; [1972] 1 All ER 878

By Oxbridge Law TeamUpdated 21/04/2024 18:34

Judgement for the case Dingle v Turner And Others


  • Charity has long been recognized as a fundamental aspect of human compassion and social responsibility. It embodies the altruistic act of providing assistance and support to those in need, reflecting a collective commitment to building a more compassionate and equitable society.

  • Gifts designated for limited recipients are tangible expressions of generosity and care. 

  • The relief of poverty remains a goal in humanitarian efforts worldwide. As a social imperative, poverty relief initiatives aim to alleviate marginalized populations' hardships, addressing the symptoms and root causes of economic inequality. 

  • Company involvement in social causes is increasingly recognized as a powerful force for positive change. Beyond profit-driven motives, companies engaging in philanthropy and corporate social responsibility foster a sense of purpose, contributing to improving communities and the environment. 

  • Trusts established to pay pensions to "poor employees" represent a structured approach to addressing financial insecurity in vulnerable populations. 


  • In 1950, Frank Hanscomb Dingle ("Testator") specified in his will that the trustees were to allocate the income from his residuary estate to his wife during her lifetime.

    • Following her demise, the Testator directed the Trustees to invest £10,000 in the names of the Trustees, establishing a trust to apply the income to provide pensions for the impoverished employees of E Ltd., a company jointly owned by the Testator.

    • The Testator further mandated that the ultimate residue of his estate be held by the trustees on a similar trust. The Testator passed away in 1950, and his widow followed in 1966.

  • At the time of the Testator's demise, E Ltd. employed over 600 individuals, including many former employees.

    • In 2024, the first respondent, an executor and trustee of the will, filed a summons to clarify the trust's validity.

    • As of the summons date, E Ltd. had 706 full-time and 189 part-time employees, with pensions being disbursed to 89 ex-employees.

  • Upon examination, Megarry J. ruled that the trust constituted a valid charitable trust.

  • Subsequently, an appeal was lodged by Mrs. Betty Mary Dingle ("Appellant"), an interested party in the case, who was also a Defendant to the summons.


  • The appeal was dismissed, affirming the earlier decision by Megarry J.

  • The court held that a trust for "poor employees" is indeed capable of constituting a valid charitable trust.

    • The distinction in the field of poverty relief trusts lies in whether the gift is intended for a specific group's poverty relief or is a provision for particular individuals.

  • The court found that the trust in question was a valid charitable trust, aligning with the criteria for addressing a broader societal concern.

  • Megarry J.'s decision has been upheld, solidifying the trust's status as a valid charitable instrument.


  • This case highlights the enduring importance of charity as a cornerstone of human compassion and social responsibility. It shows the diverse expressions of generosity, from targeted gifts to broader initiatives addressing poverty worldwide.

  • Corporate involvement in social causes is recognized as a catalyst for positive change, contributing to community and environmental well-being.

  • The case of Frank Hanscomb Dingle's will, dated 1950, outlines a structured approach to addressing financial insecurity through trusts for "poor employees" of jointly owned company E Ltd. 

  • In 2024, a legal challenge questioned the trust's validity, leading to Megarry J.'s affirmation of its status as a valid charitable trust.

  • The subsequent dismissal of the appeal upholds the court's decision, emphasizing the trust's alignment with broader societal concerns and thereby solidifying its charitable instrument status.

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