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Re Adams and The Kensington Vestey [1884] 27 Ch D 394

By Oxbridge Law TeamUpdated 21/04/2024 18:34

Judgement for the case Re Adams and The Kensington Vestey


  • A lease option combines leasing and potential property purchase.

    • Lessees have the right, but not the obligation, to buy the property after a set period, offering flexibility for assessing suitability before committing to ownership.

    • It's a dynamic approach to real estate, balancing short-term occupancy with long-term investment.

  • Fee Simple is robust property ownership, granting extensive rights.

    • Represents that the land and the structures on it are owned outright with no limitations.

    • When given to a lessee, it provides profound control, including exclusive rights to use, transfer, and inherit the property.

    • This form of interest ensures a secure and substantial stake for the lessee.

  • In estate planning, heirs inherit assets, and personal representatives execute the will. Will construction involve interpreting language and intent, ensuring accurate execution to avoid disputes, and upholding the testator's legacy.

  • A Precatory Trust is a unique legal arrangement that expresses wishes in a will rather than imposing obligations.

    • It relies on suggestive language, allowing trustees to interpret the testator's intentions.

    • Careful consideration ensures the proper execution of the testator's objectives.


  • In a land lease, Ralph Adams ("Lessor") included a covenant with the lessee, his executors, administrators, and assigns.

    • The covenant stipulated that if the lessee, his executors, administrators, or assigns desired to purchase the fee simple of the demised land, they could give written notice to the lessor, his heirs, or assigns.

    • The lessor, in turn, committed to accepting £1200 for the fee simple purchase and conveying it upon receipt of the specified amount to the lessee, his heirs, or assigns, or as directed by them.

  • The lessee passed away intestate nearly twenty years later but before the term's expiration.

  • The lessee's heir, who also served as the administrator of the personal estate, approached the lessor's devisee to fulfill the covenant.

    • By the covenant terms, the lessor's devisee executed a conveyance, transferring the fee simply to the heir.

    • The heir engaged in a contract to sell a portion of the conveyed property.


  • In a judgment affirming Pearson, J.'s decision, it was held that, based on the accurate interpretation of the covenant, the option to purchase was inseparably linked to the lease and, consequently, transferred with it.

    • It became part of the lessee's personal estate and was passed on to the administrator.

    • The administrator, in turn, could not establish a valid title for the purchaser unless the next of kin of the lessee concurred in the sale.

    • The case of Green v. Low (1) was distinguished.

  • In another case, a testator bequeathed all his real and personal estate to his wife, her heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns:

in full confidence that she would do what was right as to the disposal thereof between his children, either in her lifetime or by will after her decease.

  • Affirming Pearson, J.'s decision, it was held that under these words, the widow acquired an absolute interest in the property, free from any trust in favor of the children.


  • The various aspects of real estate, property ownership, estate planning, and legal cases.

    • It begins by explaining the concept of a lease option, highlighting its flexibility for lessees to assess a property before deciding on ownership.

    • Fee Simple ownership is then discussed, emphasizing the extensive control it provides lessees over a property.

    • The importance of heirs and personal representatives in estate planning and the construction of wills to avoid disputes are outlined.

  • The case delves into the details of a specific land lease involving a covenant for the purchase of the fee simple.

    • The lessee's death and the subsequent involvement of the heir and administrator in fulfilling the covenant are described.

    • A judgment based on Pearson, J.'s decision is discussed, asserting that the option to purchase is linked to the lease, becoming part of the lessee's personal estate.

  • Overall, it encompasses a range of legal and real estate concepts, providing insights into complex transactions and judicial decisions.

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