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BPTC Law Notes Professional Ethics Notes

Summary Notes

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Professional Ethics Notes

Professional Ethics

Approximately 62 pages

Very Outstanding BPTC professional ethics notes chosen by the Oxbridge Notes team for their superlative quality. These notes are cleanly formatted and make effective use of headings, sub-headings, bullet points, colour and a question/answer format.

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CD1 - You must observe your duty to the court in the administration of justice

CD2 - You must act in the best interests of each client

CD3 - You must act with honesty and integrity

CD4 - You must maintain your independence

CD5 - You must not behave in a way which is likely to diminish the trust and confidence which the public places in you or in the profession

CD6 - You must keep the affairs of each client confidential

CD7 - You must provide a competent standard of work and service to each client

CD8 - You must not discriminate unlawfully against any person

CD9 - You must be open and co-operative with your regulators

CD10 - You must take reasonable steps to manage your practice, or carry out your role within your practice, competently, and in such a way as to achieve compliance with your legal and regulatory obligations


  1. You owe a duty to the court to act with independence in the interests of justice. This duty overrides any inconsistent obligations you may have (other than obligations under the criminal law). It includes:

    1. You must not knowingly or recklessly mislead or attempt to mislead the court;

    2. You must not abuse your role as an advocate;

    3. You must take reasonable steps to avoid wasting the court’s time;

    4. You must take reasonable steps to ensure that the court has before it all relevant decisions and legislative provisions;

    5. You must ensure that your ability to act independently is not compromised.

  2. Your duty to act in the best interests of each client is subject to your duty to the court.

  3. Your duty to the court does not require you to act in breach of your duty to keep the affairs of each client confidential.

Your duty not to mislead the court or to permit the court to be misled includes:

  1. You must not:

    1. make submissions, representations, or any other statement; or

    2. ask questions which suggest facts to witnesses

which you know, or are instructed, are untrue or misleading.

  1. You must not call witnesses to give evidence or put affidavits or witness statements to the court which you know, or are instructed, are untrue or misleading, unless you make clear to the court the true position as known by or instructed to you.


  • Knowingly misleading the court includes inadvertently misleading the court if you later realise that you have misled the court, and you fail to correct the position.
    Recklessness means being indifferent to the truth, or not caring whether something is true or false.

  • Your duty includes drawing attention of the court to any decision or provision which may be adverse to the interests of your client - particularly important when you are appearing against a litigant in person.

  • Your role as an advocate is to present your client’s case - it is not for you to decide whether your client’s case is to be believed.

    • Eg. you are entitled to draw to the W’s attention any other evidence which appears to conflict with what the W is saying and you are entitled to indicate that a court may find a particular piece of evidence difficult to accept.
      BUT if W maintains that the evidence is true, it should be recorded in the WS and you will not be misleading the court if you call the W to confirm their WS.
      Equally there may be circumstances where you call a hostile W whose evidence you are instructed is untrue. You would not be in breach if you make the position clear to the court.

  • If client were to tell you that he had committed the crime with which he was charged:

    1. you would not be entitled to disclose that information to the court without your client’s consent; AND

    2. you would not be misleading the court, if, after your client entered a plea of NG, you were to test in XX the reliability of the evidence of the P W and then address the jury to the effect that the P had not succeeded in making them sure of your client’s guilt.

  • You would be misleading the court if you were to set up a positive case inconsistent with the confession, eg:

    1. Suggesting to P W, calling your client or your W to show; or submitting to the jury, that your client did not commit the crime; or

    2. suggesting that someone else had done so; or

    3. putting forward an alibi.

  • If there is a risk that the court will be mislead unless you disclose confidential information which you have learned in the course of your instructions, you should ask the client for permission to disclose - if client refuses you must cease to act and return your instructions - in these circumstances you must not reveal the information to the court.

  • Eg. Previous conviction of which P not aware - you may not disclose this without client’s consent, unless where mandatory sentences apply. In this situation you must advise that if consent is refused to your revealing the information you will have to cease to act.
    IF mandatory sentences do not apply, and your client does not agree to disclose previous convictions, you can continue to represent but in doing so must not say anything that misleads the court. -> This will constrain what you can say in mitigation, as you could not advance a positive case of previous good character knowing that there are undisclosed previous convictions. + if the court asks you a direct questions you must not give an untruthful answer and therefore you would have to withdraw if, on your being asked such a question, your client still refuses to allow you to answer the question truthfully. You should explain this to your client.

  • Similarly, if you become aware that client has a document which should be disclosed but has not, you cannot continue to act unless your client agrees to disclosure. You must not reveal existence or contents of document to the court.


  1. You must not make statements or ask questions merely to insult, humiliate or annoy a W or any other person;

  2. You must not make a SERIOUS ALLEGATION against a W whom you have had an opportunity to XX unless you have given that W a chance to answer the...

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