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Economics and Management Notes Employment Relations Notes

Flexibility Of The Workforce Notes

Updated Flexibility Of The Workforce Notes

Employment Relations Notes

Employment Relations

Approximately 32 pages

For each of the 7 topics I studied, I've included my finals revision notes (except High Performance Work Systems, which I did not revise but have included the essay notes for). The notes are very concise (3-4 pages), with each subheading indicating a line of argument that could be taken in an essay on the topic (based on the exam questions that have come up over the last 6 or 7 years - the notes could be used to answer any of these well), and then bulletpointing how the argument could be laid out...

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Employment Relations Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:

Flexibility of the workforce


  • Degree to which a firm is able to adapt its human resources to meet changing conditions of the organisation’s environment (uncertainty and competition). Ghosh et al. Found that reliance on a non-standard workforce is greater in a competitive environment, less prevalent in firms facing greater uncertainty (protection of core competencies), and the proportion of a firm’s non-standard workforce is positively correlated with financial growth (cheap labour, low dismissal costs).

  • For firms: either possessing a workforce able to adapt to new conditions or quickly learn new skills, or having the ability to change the workforce itself (Kalleberg).

  • For employees: flexibility is an umbrella term comprising remote working, reduced/different hours, compressed working time (Kelliher and Anderson). Negative impact on career progression.

Temporary employment and fixed term contracts

  • 40.9% of non-standard employment (Fevre, 2007)

  • Serves as a buffer for firms against volatile demand. In high demand the workforce can be easily expanded, and in low demand easily shrunk (Geary). Eg Astra – large inventory to quickly adapt to oscillating demand, used 70% temporary employees, short term demand predictions, any permanent staff had to be signed off by conservative US management. Few rights accrued to temporary workers contracts easily terminated.

  • Firm rather than employee gains most of the benefits – employees have almost no rights, very little job security, and although they receive similar pay they lack the benefits given to permanent workers like healthcare or pensions.

  • Firm gains significant cost advantages due to the reduction in labour costs – so much so that firms often pursue this strategy not just to increase flexibility but to segment the labour market.

  • Geary 1993 study: an organization employed 70% of its employees on temporary contracts, partly due to flexibility but partly due to labour costs, as a control measure, and as a trial period before offering a permanent contract.

  • Firm extracts everything from temporary employment, bluntly controlling worker who are unwilling to turn down overtime out of fear...

Buy the full version of these notes or essay plans and more in our Employment Relations Notes.