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Natural Sciences Notes Physics Part IA for Natural Sciences Notes

Rotational Mechanics Notes

Updated Rotational Mechanics Notes

Physics Part IA for Natural Sciences Notes

Physics Part IA for Natural Sciences

Approximately 132 pages

Comprehensive notes covering all material for the Part IA Physics subject in the Natural Sciences Tripos at Cambridge University. I have included reasoning behind all concepts and equations, and where this was not provided in the lecture course I have tried to give at least an intuitive background for these concepts/equations.

The notes are colourful, well-written and logically laid-out....

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Physics Part IA for Natural Sciences Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:

Notes for Rotational Mechanics

Centre of mass:

The centre of mass of an object is also its centre of weight – the position of the fulcrum for which there is no rotation when suspended in a uniform gravitational field.

Centre of mass in one dimension:

If C is the centre of mass, rotation about C in a uniform field of strength g is zero. Thus the moments about C sum to zero such that:



Since l1=x0x1, and l2=x2x0:


$$\therefore x_{0} = \frac{m_{1}x_{1} + m_{2}x_{2}}{m_{1} + m_{2}} = \frac{m_{1}x_{1} + m_{2}x_{2}}{M}$$

Where M is total mass.

This definition can be extended to a one-dimensional body of N discrete masses δm adding to a total mass of M, and to a continuous body of mass M in the limit that N:

Discrete: Continuous:
$$x_{0} = \frac{1}{M}\sum_{i = 1}^{N}{m_{i}x_{i}}$$ $$x_{0} = \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty}{\frac{1}{M}\sum_{i = 1}^{N}{m_{i}x_{i}}} = \frac{1}{M}\int_{body}^{\ }xdm$$

Centre of mass in three dimensions:

The position of the centre of mass for discrete bodies in three dimensions can be found by fulfilling three separate one-dimensional conditions:

$$x_{0} = \frac{1}{M}\sum_{i = 1}^{N}{m_{i}x_{i}}$$ $$y_{0} = \frac{1}{M}\sum_{i = 1}^{N}{m_{i}y_{i}}$$ $$z_{0} = \frac{1}{M}\sum_{i = 1}^{N}{m_{i}z_{i}}$$

Which combine to produce the vector forms:

Discrete: Continuous:
$$\mathbf{R} = \frac{1}{M}\sum_{i = 1}^{N}{\mathbf{r}_{i}m_{i}}$$ $$\mathbf{R =}\lim_{N \rightarrow \infty}{\frac{1}{M}\sum_{i = 1}^{N}{\mathbf{r}_{i}m_{i}}}\mathbf{=}\frac{1}{M}\int_{body}^{\ }\mathbf{r}dm$$

Where ri is the position vector of the ith mass, ri=(xi,yi,zi), R is the position vector of the centre of mass, R=(x0,y0,z0), and body refers to a function which specifies the shape of the body.

The integral is calculated by expressing dm in terms of variables in which r can be written. In one dimension, dm=ρldl, in two dimensions, dm=ρada and in three dimensions, dm=ρVdV, where dl,da and dV are length, area and volume elements, respectively.

Centre of mass of bodies of non-uniform shape:

Since R is a linear function, the principle of superposition can be used to find the centre of mass of a non-uniform body in terms of the centres of mass of several different uniform parts. The centre of mass of each part is found separately, then summed linearly to obtain the overall centre of mass.

Application to the lever balance:

For a one-dimensional lever balance, maintaining a state of equilibrium depends on both a linear mechanical and a rotational mechanical condition:

  • Linear mechanical condition: Net force on the system is zero:

$$\mathbf{F}_{ext} = \sum_{i}^{\ }\mathbf{F}_{i} = \mathbf{0}$$

  • Rotational mechanical condition: The fulcrum is at the centre of mass of the lever, such that all turning moments sum to zero:

$$\mathbf{G}_{ext} = \sum_{i}^{\ }\mathbf{G}_{i} = \sum_{i}^{\ }{\mathbf{r}_{i} \times \mathbf{F}_{i}} = \mathbf{0}$$

Circular motion:

The general motion of a body consists of both an angular and a radial part. Circular motion is concerned only with the angular part of the motion:

The particle moves from P1 to P2 relative to O. Its initial position is described by the vector r, its final position by the vector r+δr, hence its movement is described by δr.

If the angle of rotation θ is small (θ1), then it can be described by a vector θ which points along the axis of rotation and has a magnitude of θ.

The equivalence of θ and θ for small angles can be seen by considering a segment of the circle AB on a sphere of radius a:

For small angles, AB is approximately straight. Thus it can be represented by the vector s, which has length aθ.

If three rotations are performed, the vectors s1,s2 and s3 can be summed to give a closed triangle.

Since aθ1,aθ2 and aθ3 sum to give a closed triangle, and their lengths are proportional to θ1,θ2 and θ3 with identical constants of proportionality, it follows that θ1,θ2 and θ3 can also be summed to give a closed triangle.

Thus, angles θ can be represented by vectors θ.

Sign conventions for angles and vectors:

The axis of a rotation is always defined in the right-handed sense, such that:

  • A negative rotation is one for which θ is antiparallel to the axis of rotation, hence the rotation is left-handed

  • A positive rotation is one for which θ is parallel to the axis of rotation, hence the rotation is right-handed

Angular quantities:

Angular velocity and acceleration:

Angular speed, velocity (ω) and acceleration ($\dot{\mathbf{\omega}}$) are the rotational analogues of linear speed, velocity and acceleration in linear mechanics.

If a body at point P rotates a small angle δθ in time increment δt, then the angular speed is given by:

$$\frac{\delta\theta}{\delta t}$$

The angular velocity is the vector form of this expression:

$$\mathbf{\omega} = \frac{\delta\mathbf{\theta}}{\delta t}$$

And in the limiting case as δθdθ:

$$\boxed{\mathbf{\omega} = \frac{d\mathbf{\theta}}{dt} = \dot{\mathbf{\theta}}}$$

Similarly, the angular acceleration is given by:

$$ \boxed{\dot{\mathbf{\omega}} = \frac{d^{2}\mathbf{\theta}}{dt^{2}} = \ddot{\mathbf{\theta}}}$$

Rotational moments of linear quantities:

If a given linear quantity λL produces rotational motion, thus has a rotational equivalent λR, then λR is the rotational moment of λL, given by the scalar product of the vector distance r between the point of application and the axis of rotation, and the value of the linear quantity λL, such that:

$$\boxed{\mathbf{\lambda}_{R} = \mathbf{r} \times \mathbf{\lambda}_{L}}$$

This definition is justified as follows:

  • The component of λL which is tangential to the rotational motion, hence which contributes to it, has magnitude λLsinθ

  • When multiplied by the magnitude of r, this gives the rotational moment a magnitude of λLrsinθ and a direction parallel to θ, hence perpendicular to r and λL

  • Thus λR=rλL

Linear quantities and their angular moments:

Linear quantity: Angular moment:
Force F

Torque/moment of...

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