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University Of Birmingham Notes

Choose from our range of University Of Birmingham Notes and revision materials, all prepared by top students during their studies.*






15 yrs

In Business
University Of Birmingham Economics Bundle 2014 Notes
137 total pages
4 purchased

Contemporary Issues in the UK Economy, Economic Development, Economic H...

Contemporary Issues in the UK Economy Notes
11 total pages
1 purchased

Notes based on current news, and lecture slides. Easy to read attain...

Economic Development Notes
40 total pages
1 purchased

Notes based on lecture slides and extra reading. Helped me attain a ...

Economic History of Modern Britain Notes
31 total pages
4 purchased

Lecture by lecture notes of the module. Based on lecture slides prov...

Financial and Business Systems Notes
34 total pages
1 purchased

Notes based on lecture slides and literature on the reading list. No...

Gender and Ageing Notes
2 total pages

These notes relate to an MPhil thesis that examines ageing as a gend...

Gender Studies Notes
55 total pages
7 purchased

These are PhD level research notes on gender and visual relations, e...

Special Relativity Notes
16 total pages
2 purchased

These are summary notes (with examples) covering a module in Einstei...

The Economics of Public Expenditure Notes
21 total pages
3 purchased

Notes that helped me attain a first in the exam. Easy to learn and r...

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