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Cases 117/76 and 16/77 Ruckdeschel [1977] ECR 1753

By Oxbridge Law TeamUpdated 07/01/2024 04:01

Judgement for the case Cases 117/76 and 16/77 Ruckdeschel

Table Of Contents

  • (Equal treatment/nondiscrimination): Some regulations were brought in that benefitted one type of crop producer, but not another despite the fact that they were in direct competition with each other, given that the crops had very similar uses.

  • The ECJ held this unlawful as it conflicted with the principle of equality and constituted discrimination. 


  • The principle of non-discrimination is a general principle of EU law and while some treaty articles may enunciate specific examples of where discrimination must not occur, they are merely individual elucidations of the general rule.

  • A discriminatory policy must be ‘objectively justified’ to be valid. 

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