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Halifax Building Society (Halifax BS) v Thomas [1996] Ch 217

By Oxbridge Law TeamUpdated 07/01/2024 19:44

Judgement for the case Halifax Building Society (Halifax BS) v Thomas

Table Of Contents

  • Thomas defrauded Halifax Building Society into giving him a mortgage and sold the property at a high price, leaving a surplus between what Thomas owed and what was left over.

  • The crown obtained an order to seize Thomas’s assets.

  • Halifax Building Society argued that the surplus money was its own property, not Thomas’s, so that the order did not apply to it.

  • The court held that since the wrongdoing of the borrower could not translate the society into the owner of the entire beneficial interest in the property when the mortgage had not been set aside, the borrower was not a constructive trustee of the surplus for the Halifax Building Society. 

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