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BPTC Law Notes Drafting Notes

Defence Negligence Notes

Updated Defence Negligence Notes

Drafting Notes


Approximately 23 pages

A guide on some of the key phrases necessary for drafting. How to structure a good particulars of claim/defence and ideas on how to phrase tricky legal concepts in a simple way for effective drafting.

Also provides ideas on some of the common pitfalls for this module....

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Drafting Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:

Claim No CYL1804











  1. Paragraph 1 of the Particulars of Claim is admitted.

  2. Paragraph 2 of the Particulars of Claim is admitted save that it is denied that the letter dated 13th May 2016 evidences any terms of the Agreement.

  3. Paragraph 2 subsection (1) of the Particulars of Claim is admitted.

  4. Paragraph 2 subsection (2) of the Particulars of Claim is denied except that it is admitted that the Defendant agreed to pay 120 per student member of the Orchestra. It particular it is denied that such sums were payable directly to the Claimant. Payment was due to each student member individually upon completion of the Musical’s run.

  5. Further, the following were express or otherwise implied terms of the Agreement:

    1. The Defendant would print an advertisement for the Claimant in the Musical’s programme.

    2. The Claimant agreed that the Orchestra would attend rehearsals during the period 2 weeks prior to 20th June 2016 as confirmed by Chrissie Angel on behalf of the Defendant in the letter dated 3rd June 2016 sent from the Defendant to the Claimant.

    3. It was an implied term that attendance at rehearsals would be for such time as reasonably necessary to cover the relevant material.

    4. On or about 5th May 2016, Edward Brice represented to Jonathan Rudd that the students of the Claimant school would possess a Grade 8 qualification in their respective instruments. It was therefore an implied term of the Agreement that the Orchestra would be reasonably capable and competent to play the required score. The Claimant did not at any time suggest that the Orchestra might fall below the required standard.

    5. It was an implied term that the Orchestra members would spend a reasonable time learning and rehearsing the score so that they could perform to a reasonable standard.

    6. In the circumstances it was an implied term that the Orchestra members would not ‘deputise’ their roles by sending a replacement to their appointments to an excessive or unreasonable level.

  6. Paragraph 2 subsection (3) of the Particulars of Claim is denied. Free use of the Defendant’s theatre (“the Theatre”) on 9th and 10th July 2016 was not a term of the Agreement for the following reasons:

    1. On or about 5th May 2016, Jonathan Rudd on behalf of the Defendant invited the Claimant to consider future ad hoc arrangements for use of the Theatre, subject to agreement on each booking, as an expression of the Parties’ good relationship.

    2. The booking evidenced by the letter dated 13th May 2016 sent from the Claimant to the Defendant was therefore a separate offer of gratuity and unattached to the Agreement.

  7. Paragraph 3 of the Particulars of Claim is denied save that it is admitted the Claimant purported to perform the Agreement on occasions on 7th, 9th, 11th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th June 2016. Rather the Claimant acted in breach of the Agreement in that:

    1. In breach of paragraphs 5(d) and (e) above, the Claimant failed at all material times to provide an Orchestra of reasonable competence. On 7th June 2016, as a result of an acute failure to prepare, the Orchestra were totally unable to play the Musical’s score to a reasonable standard. On 9th June 2016, at least half of the Orchestra’s members were unable to...

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