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BPTC Law Notes Drafting Notes

Drafting Notes

Updated Drafting Notes Notes

Drafting Notes


Approximately 23 pages

A guide on some of the key phrases necessary for drafting. How to structure a good particulars of claim/defence and ideas on how to phrase tricky legal concepts in a simple way for effective drafting.

Also provides ideas on some of the common pitfalls for this module....

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Drafting Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:

Drafting Notes


  • May wish to include names of witnesses. This is a tactical decision, do you want to let on you know these witnesses?

  • If you don’t need to plead something to satisfy the cause of action/defence, it’s likely evidence


  • ‘The claimant is required to prove all of the allegations set out in the particulars of claim save those that have been expressly admitted above.’


The Claimants are required to prove that they have suffered the alleged or any loss and damage, and it is denied that any loss and damage suffered by the Claimants was caused by the matters complained of. If, which the Claimants are required to prove, XYZ, this is the result of the Claimant’s failure …


  • Can’t just say they didn’t mitigate their loss, have to state what steps they should have taken but did not

Further or alternatively, if, which is denied, the Claimant(s) have suffered loss as a result of the matters complained of, they failed to take reasonable steps to mitigate such loss by:

  1. XYA; and/or

  2. ABC.


AND the First Defendant counterclaims:


  • Don’t actually sign your name



  • DENY BREACH OF CONTRACT EXPRESSLY- not enough to just say ‘para x is denied’

  • Term first, then breach. Each breach dealt with separately

  • Can adopt defined terms from PoC (just make sure to use capitals, don’t need ‘x’ apostrophes though)

  • Can’t allege two causes of action together, EXCEPTION: breach of contract and negligence

  • D’s birthday

  • If D is an individual, need d.o.b. and correct address

  • Denial first and then all reasons in separate numbered sub-pars

  • Page numbers!!

  • Statement of truth needs words Defence and Counterclaim

  • Don’t mention costs

  • Don’t respond to:

  1. claim for interest

  2. statement of remedies sought


  • Except that it is denied that …

  • Further = this is consistent with previous line

  • Alternatively = this is inconsistent with previous line

  • Further or alternatively = this is consistent with previous line but you want it stand as a new defence if first line fails

  • As alleged or at all = way to deny negligence

  • ‘Alleged or any’ is the same

  • Caused or contributed to = means you’re neither solely responsible or even partly responsible

  • Save that/for …, it is denied [admitted] that …’ = part of para is accepted and part not

  • Pay all or any part of …

  • ‘In breach of contract …’ has to be included

  • ‘To a specification set out in …’

  • Among other things (ie. the Defendant is and was at all materials a company carrying on business as manufacturers, among other things …)

  • ‘or any part of that sum or at all’

  • If, which the claimant is required to prove…’


High Court s 35A Senior Courts Act 1981

County Court s 69 County Courts Act 1984

Where you’re going for interest for debt have to say in pleadings:

‘The Claimant and the First Defendant were each acting in the course of their respective businesses and it was an implied term of the contract, under section 1(1) of the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, that any qualifying debt created by the contract would carry statutory interest under the Act. The sum of ____ is a qualifying debt.’

The First Defendant further claims the sum of X by way of compensation under section 5A of the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998

Statutory interest on the sum of ____ amounting...

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