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Law Notes Conflict of Laws Notes

Jurisdiction Under Brussels I Regulation 1 Notes

Updated Jurisdiction Under Brussels I Regulation 1 Notes

Conflict of Laws Notes

Conflict of Laws

Approximately 333 pages

Conflict of Laws notes fully updated for recent exams in the UK. These notes cover all the major conflicts of laws cases and so are perfect for anyone doing a law degree in the UK or, given the international nature of this subject, these notes also make a great supplement for those studying law abroad.

These notes were formed directly from a reading of the cases and main texts and are vigorous, concise and very well written. Everything is conveniently split up by topic as you can see by the ...

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  • Brussels I Regulation will govern grounds for exercising jurisdiction if:

  1. Regulation applies to subject matter of the dispute; and

  2. There is sufficient connection with the EU

  1. When Does BIR Apply?

  1. Subject-Matter of Proceedings

‘Civil and Commercial Matters’

  • Article 1: Regulation only applies to civil and commercial matters.

  • Exercise of public law powers by public authority fall outside scope of Regulation.

  • However if relationship between public authority and other party to case is governed solely by private law, is inside scope of BIR.

  • Case falls inside scope of regulation insofar as it does not involve an exercise of powers by State going beyond that existing under rules governing private relations

  • Preservatrice Fonciere TIARD SA v Netherlands [2003]

  • Even where a body is acting in exercise of public law powers, case still inside scope of Regulation if the subject-matter of proceedings is private.

  • Verein fur Konsumenteninformation v Henkel [2002]

Excluded Matters


  • For case to fall outside BIR, bankruptcy must form ‘principal subject matter of proceedings’

  • Thus even where dispute arises out of bankruptcy, may still fall under BIR.

  • e.g. where trustee in bankruptcy makes order for sale of property

  • Ashurst v Pollard [2001]


  • Arbitration proceedings themselves fall outside scope of Regulation

  • Marc Rich [1991] (ECJ)

  • However when determining whether court proceedings to do with arbitration fall within Regulation, test is whether essential nature of substantive dispute is within Regulation.

  • The Wadi Sudr [2010]

  • Thus judgment may fall in BIR if arbitration is preliminary to main issue of proceedings

  • hinted at in Marc Rich [1991] (ECJ)

  • The Wadi Sudr [2010]

  • ECJ had earlier held that applications for interim relief measures under (what is now) Art 31 Regulation where a valid arbitration clauses existed was not excluded from BIR

    • i.e. as for Art 31, the subject-matter of proceedings on merits is irrelevant

    • is relevant factor is the aim of interim measures sought

      • where measures are to protect C from financial loss, fall within Regulation

      • Van Uden [1998]

  • Regulation however does not apply to proceedings “in support” of arbitration:

  1. decisions on whether arbitration agreement is valid or not

  • Van Uden Maritime [1998] (ECJ)

  1. injunctions against parties continuing arbitration once it has been decided an arbitration clause is invalid

  • Van Uden Maritime [1998] (ECJ)

  1. nor decisions of a court asked to appoint an arbitrator under an arbitration clause

  • Marc Rich [1991] (ECJ)

  1. Sufficient Connection to EU

Regulation is engaged where matter is ‘civil and commercial’ and if either:

  1. D is Community-domiciled

  2. D is not Community-domiciled, but either Art 22 or 23 apply.

Article 4

  • If D is not domiciled in any Member State, jurisdiction falls to be determined by the national rules of relevant Member State.

  • unless Art 22/23 apply

  • Domicile of claimant is irrelevant to application of Brussels Regulation.

  • Thus can be jurisdiction under BIR even if C is domiciled in a third-State.

  • Group Josi Reinsurance [2000] (ECJ)

  1. Domicile


  • Article 59: a party’s domicile falls to be determined by national law.

  • i.e. if D claims he is domiciled in Member State A, law of Member State A must be applied to see if this is case.

  • even if claim is being heard in a different MS to one in which D claims domicile

  • Even if D resides in non-Member State, may still fall under BIR if he has ‘special business domicile’ in an MS (under that MS’s law)

  • Haji-Ioannu v Frangos [1999]

Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Order 2001

Para 9, Schedule 1

  • C is domiciled in UK only if:

  1. Resident in UK; and

  2. Nature and circumstances of residence show C has substantial connection with UK

  • Where C has been resident in UK for three months or more, C presumed to be domiciled in UK unless contrary is proven.


Article 60

  • For purposes of Regulation, company or legal entity is domiciled at place in which it has its:

  1. statutory seat; or

  2. central administration; or

  3. principal place of business

  • For purposes of companies domiciled in UK, “statutory seat” means registered office/place of incorporation.

  • Principal place of business is place at centre of company’s operation

  • King v Crown Energy Trading AG [2003]

  • Thus not necessarily place in which most of company’s business is carried out

  • Rather it is place where company is controlled or managed

  • Ministry of Defence of Iran v FAZ Aviation [2007]

  • Thus under rules for domicile in BIR, is possible for individual or a company to be domiciled in more than one Member State

  • e.g. where central administration and principal place of business in different MSs.

  1. Special Jurisdiction

  • Where D is not domiciled in EU:

  1. case falls under Article 23 if C is EU-domiciled

  2. if both D and C are not EU domiciled

  • case only falls under BIR if Article 22 applies.

  • if Art 22 does not apply, jurisdiction allocated by Article 4

  1. Bases of Jurisdiction

  • Where shown that a case falls under BIR, bases of jurisdiction are:

  1. Special interest

  2. Consent of parties

  3. Submission

  4. Domicile

  5. Special jurisdiction

  6. Special Contracts

  • Are two ways in which priority of jurisdictional bases is allocated:

  1. Hierarchy

  • certain bases of jurisdiction are stated by Regulation to have priority over others

  1. Chronology

  • where no country has exclusive jurisdiction, country of courts first seised by claimant have jurisdiction

  1. Hierarchy

  1. Article 22 has priority

  • This clear from wording of Arts 23+24

  1. Article 24 (subsequent agreement) overrides Art 23 agreement

  2. Article 23 – an exclusive prior jurisdiction clause overrides general grounds.

  3. if none of these exist

  • Article 2, Article 5, Article 23 (if jurisdiction clause non-exclusive)

  1. Chronology

  • Where no grounds has priority, jurisdiction allocated on basis of chronology (see sup 2)


  1. Special interestArticle 22

  • Allows...

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