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Politics Notes East Asian Transformations (Political Economy) Notes

Production Networks Notes

Updated Production Networks Notes

East Asian Transformations (Political Economy) Notes

East Asian Transformations (Political Economy)

Approximately 15 pages

Region & regional identity; regionalism; regionalization; globalization; New Regionalism; Plaza Accord; Asian Financial Crisis; Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP); Belt & Road Initiative (BRI); China's rise; European Union; the ASEAN Way East Asian Miracle; Asian values; Orientalism; reverse Orientalism; developmental state; Chalmers Johnson; crony capitalism; Japanese imperialism; Cold War Production networks; value chain participation; Factory Asia; competitiveness; global value...

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Production Networks


  • What are ‘production networks’, and how have they affected trade and industrialization in East Asia? [2017]

  • Is globalization the most significant driving force for the industrial development of Northeast Asian countries?

  • How can Southeast Asian countries stay competitive in the global value chains?

  • Who should be blamed for the FOXCONN suicides in Shenzhen? Substantiate your answer. [2018]

  • What is the difference between ‘regionalization’ and ‘regionalism’?* Discuss with reference to the evolution of production networks in East Asia. [2014]


  • Globalization has given rise to an explosion of trade in intermediate goods, and subsequently, the international fragmentation of value-added tasks in the production process – e.g. design, raw material sourcing, inputs, marketing, after-sales service, etc.

  • Fostered by the search for cost minimization and economies of scale which arise through expanding markets.

  • Production network (IPN) – an international division of labour in which each function or discrete stage of a value chain is:

  • Geographically relocated to the most efficient site.

  • Integrated and governed ‘at-a-distance’ by MNCs or local firms to regulate buyer-supplier relations

  • Vertical specialization – the degree to which exports rely on imported inputs.

  • Value chain participation – the value added embodied in exports both looking backward and forward from a reference country…

  1. Backward – foreign value added embodied in exports assembled.

  2. Forward – domestic value added embodied in inputs supplied to an assembler.

  • Signifies a shift in how ‘development’ is conceptualized. Less to do with establishing a self-sufficient industrial base domestically, not with nurturing vertically-integrated firms as ‘national champions’. More to do with which ‘node’ firms choose to engage with in a pre-existing supply chain, and the distinctive opportunities/constraints for participation and value capture that arise as a result.


Reasons for the expansion of EA production networks: (see: 1.1 ‘REGIONALISM VS. GLOBALIZATION’)

  1. New regionalism* + lower service-link costs due to geographical proximity makes intra-regional offshoring more attractive to investors.

  2. Development gap leads countries to position themselves in different market niches/GVC nodes.

  3. The 1985 Plaza Accord* and rapid appreciation of the Yen compelled Japanese MNCs to offset volatility and increase returns by offshoring their peripheral manufacturing tiers to other EA economies (e.g. South Korea and Taiwan).

  • This kickstarted the phenomenon of intra-regional recycling of comparative advantage in labour-intensive manufacturing via FDI and offshoring to low-income countries.

Distinguishing features of EA IPN participation

  • Significance – IPNs are a major driving force for development and regional economic integration.

  • Extensiveness – East Asian IPNs encompass a large number of countries at various developmental stages:

  • GVC participation is unevenly spread

In 2013, 38% of global GVC-intermediate exports went into the Asia-Pacific, 90% of which were located in just 10 AP countries, including 7 EA countries: China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.

  • Sophisticationregional value chains (RVCs) consist of sophisticated combinations of inter-/intra-firm transactions.

  • Locational complementation and industry specialization of EA countries (i.e. ‘industrial clusters’)

  • Benefit from regional integration agreements. (see: ‘EA REGIONAL COOPERATION’)


  • Competitive advantage – ‘the capacity to entice firms, both local and foreign, to use the company as a platform from which to conduct business’ [Porter, 2002]

  • Useful to add: ‘at the expense of other countries

  • Porter also introduced the ‘diamond of national advantage’ to describe 4 interrelated determinants of competitive advantage:

  1. The existence of resources & soft infrastructure – e.g. human resources ( skilled workforce), research/information infrastructure, etc.;

  2. A business environment that invests in innovation (R&D);

  3. A demanding local market;

  4. The presence of supporting/supplier industries.

Economic upgrading

The process by which economic actors move from low-value to relatively high-value activities in production; to increase the benefits/profits deriving from participation in GPNs’ [Gereffi, 2005].

There are 4 types of economic upgrading, each with different implications for skill development and jobs:

  1. Process upgrading – where firms increase the efficiency of production through better organization of the production process...

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