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Veterinary Medicine Notes Small Animal Internal Disease - Respiratory Notes

Diseases Of The Pleura And Mediastinum Notes

Updated Diseases Of The Pleura And Mediastinum Notes

Small Animal Internal Disease - Respiratory Notes

Small Animal Internal Disease - Respiratory

Approximately 11 pages

This section of my Small Animal Internal Disease notes covers the respiratory system questions, and includes;

13. Upper Respiratory tract disease - nose, nasal cavity, oropharynx, trachea.
14. Upper respiratory diseases - Brachycephalic Syndrome
15. Lower Respiratory Tract Disease - Bronchy and Lungs
16. Lower Respiratory Tract Diseases - Chronic Bronchitis, Feline Asthma.
17. Diseases of the Pleura and Mediastinum...

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Small Animal Internal Disease - Respiratory Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:

Q17. Diseases of the Pleura and Mediastinum Pleural Effusion (PE) PE is an accumulation of fluid in the pleural space (the space between the lungs an the chest wall). Normally, there is some fluid there, which lubricates the surfaces and prevents friction, however, an increase in production or decrease in removal results in accumulation - which can restrict the lungs. PE is a pathological process, rather than a specific diagnosis. Diseases which can cause pleural effusion include * Heart failure * Infection (pyothorax) * Chylothorax * Neoplasia (hemangiosarcoma, mammary gland tumors, lymphosarcoma) * Liver disease or gastrointestinal disease if the blood protein levels become severely low C.S * Tachypnea, shallow respiration, respiratory distress * Decreased bronchovesicular sounds in the affected areas, and/or increased bronchovesicular sounds in the nonaffected areas. * Hyporesonance on percussion, with detection of a fluid line. * Cough due to other diseases * Systemic illness, clinical findings of other diseases - pneumonia, lung cancer Diagnosis Thoracocentesis - also therapeutic benefit. For cytology, protein concentration and total nucleated cell count. Xray - Pleural effusion is seen as a white area which can obscure the sillouette of the heart. X rays should be taken again after removal of the fluid. USG - for the presence of fluid and can also use it to guide needles for thoracocentesis Treatment Drain the effusion, but find out what the primary cause is, and treat that. Types of Fluid The type of fluid can indicate which disease is likely causing the pleural effusion; Fluid What is it Which Diseases Transudate low protein conc and low numbers of MO, LO, mesothelial cells Increased hydrostatic pressure; Right side CHF Pericardial disease Decreased oncotoc pressure; Hypoalbuminaemia Lymphatic Obstruction; Diaphragmatic hernia Neoplasia (rare) Modified Transudate slightly higher protein conc and cell count which includes NO and Mononuclear cells Exudate (Non-septic) High protein conc, with No, Eo, Mo and Lo FIP Neoplasia Chronic diaphragmatic hernia Torsion of a lung lobe Exudate (Septic) Extremely high cell count with mainly degenerative neutrophils, and bacteria Pyothorax

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