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University Of Cambridge Notes

Choose from our range of University Of Cambridge Notes and revision materials, all prepared by top students during their studies.*






15 yrs

In Business
Economics Bundle Notes
137 total pages
43 purchased

British Economic History, Development Economics, Macroeconomics, Microe...

Adam Smith Notes
43 total pages
4 purchased

This is part of the History of Political Thought series covering Edm...

British and French History(1689 - Present) Notes
4 total pages

This module charts both the hostile and co-operative relationship be...

British Constitution Notes
25 total pages
4 purchased

This is part of the British Politics series covering Margaret Thatch...

British Economic History Notes
44 total pages
26 purchased

These were the essays I wrote during my first undergraduate year in ...

Classical Mechanics Notes
28 total pages
1 purchased

These notes have been written as support for tutorials I give to Cam...

Competition Law Notes
81 total pages
48 purchased

Updated in 2020. The notes are a summary of the key points of the le...

Corporate Taxation Notes
144 total pages
4 purchased

•To assist students in understanding of the major issues faced by co...

Development Economics Notes
8 total pages

These were the essays I wrote in the development economics paper dur...

Empires and World History (c. 1400-1900) Notes
30 total pages
8 purchased

A range of essays written for Part I Paper 21 (Empires and World His...

European Union Notes
61 total pages
2 purchased

This package contains: comprehensive exam notes on all aspects of th...

Friedrich Nietzsche Notes
31 total pages
2 purchased

This package contains (1) exam notes (2) an essay titled 'In what wa...

International Merger Control Notes
75 total pages
9 purchased

Updated in 2020. The notes are a summary of the key points of the le...

Macroeconomics Notes
16 total pages
34 purchased

These are the essays in macroeconomics I wrote in my 2nd and 3rd yea...

Margaret Thatcher and British Politics 1979-1997 Notes
33 total pages
5 purchased

This is part of the British Politics series covering Margaret Thatch...

Microeconomics Notes
9 total pages
3 purchased

These are the essays in microeconomics I wrote in my 2nd and 3rd yea...

New Labour (1997-2010) Notes
28 total pages
2 purchased

This is part of the British Politics series covering Margaret Thatch...

Oscillations and Waves Notes
33 total pages
2 purchased

These notes have been written as support material for the tutorial I...

Political Aspects of British Economics Notes
25 total pages
10 purchased

These were the essays I wrote in the politics paper during my first ...

Roman Imperial History Notes
46 total pages
20 purchased

A range of essays written for Part I Paper 13 (European History 31BC...

Statistics and Econometrics Notes
35 total pages
3 purchased

These are my take home projects in the first and second year of my u...

The Family and Sociology Notes
24 total pages
1 purchased

This set of notes covers 4 broad subjects, with book reviews in each...

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