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Contract Law Cases

Name Reference Subtopic
Shanklin Pier Ltd v Detel Products Ltd [1951] 2 KB 854; [1951] 2 All ER 471 Privity Cases
Collins v Godefroy [1831] 1 B & Ad 950; 109 ER 1040; EWHC KB J18 Consideration Cases
Davis Contractors v Fareham Urban District Council [1956] UKHL 3; [1956] AC 696; [1956] 3 WLR 37; [1956] 2 All ER 145 Frustration Cases
Routledge v Grant [1828] 4 Bing 653; [1828] 1 WLUK 31; 130 ER 920 Offer and Acceptance Cases
Esso Petroleum Co Ltd v Mardon [1976] QB 801; [1976] 2 WLR 583; [1976] 2 All ER 5 Misrepresentation Cases
Blue v Ashley [2017] EWHC 1928 (Comm); [2017] 7 WLUK 593 Formation; Intention to Create Legal Relations Cases
Balfour v Balfour [1919] 2 K.B. 571; [1919] 6 WLUK 33 Formation; Intention to Create Legal Relations Cases
Universe Tankships Inc of Monrovia v International Transport Workers’ Federation (The Universe Sentinel) [1983] 1 AC 366 Duress Cases
St Martins Property Corporation v Sir Robert McAlpine & Sons Ltd [1994] 1 AC 85 (conjoined) Privity Cases
Linden Gardens BC v Lenesta Sludge Disposals Ltd [1994] 1 AC 85 Privity Cases
Springwell v JP Morgan [2010] EWCA Civ 1221 Misrepresentation Cases
FSHC Group Holdings Limited v GLAS Trust Corporation Ltd [2019] EWCA Civ 1361 Terms Cases
Krell v Henry [1903] 2 KB 740 Frustration; Implied Terms Cases
Adams v Lindsell [1818] 1 B & Ald. 681 Formation Cases
Omak Maritime Ltd v Mamola Challenger Shipping Co [2010] EWHC 2026 (Comm) Remedies; Measure of Damages Cases
Bunge SSA v Nidera [2015] UKSC 43 Remedies; Limitations on Damages; Date of Assessment Cases
Rainy Sky SA v Kookmin Bank [2011] UKSC 50 Terms; Interpretation Cases
Arnold v Britton [2015] UKSC 36 Terms; Interpretation Cases
Wells v Devani [2019] UKSC 4 Terms; Interpretation Cases
Radmacher v Granatino [2010] UKSC 42 Formation; Intention to Create Legal Relations Cases
Transfield Shipping Inc v Mercator Shipping Inc (The Achilleas) [2008] UKHL 48 Remedies; Limitations on Damages; Remoteness Cases
Royal Bank of Scotland v Etridge [2002] 2 AC 773 Undue Influence; General Cases
Golden Strait Corporation v Nippon Kubishika Kaisha (The Golden Victory) [2007] UKHL 12 Remedies; Limitations on Damages; Date of Assessment Cases
AXA Sun Life Services v Campbell Martin [2011] EWCA Civ 133 Misrepresentation; Exclusion of Liability / Misrepresentation Act 1967 Cases
LauritzenCool AB v Lady Navigation [2004] EWHC 2607 Remedies; Specific Remedies; Prohibitory Injunction Cases