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BPTC Law Notes Employment Law Notes

Questioning Notes

Updated Questioning Notes

Employment Law Notes

Employment Law

Approximately 66 pages

A guide to some of the key issues in employment law and a general script that can be followed for oral exams for how to discuss these topics.

Also provides some of the guides on how to do calculations (eg. basic award).

**Now up to date for 2015!**...

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Employment Law Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:



  1. Age

  2. Started work?

  3. Continuous?

  4. In Great Britain

  5. Description of job/job title when dismissed?

  6. How long had you been in that role


  1. Is there a contract of employment

  2. Have they got a copy?

  3. What was the notice period

  4. Benefits?

  5. Holiday entitlement?

  6. Pension?

  7. Gross weekly wage at EDT

  8. Bonus?

  9. How was the bonus assessed?

  10. How had the bonus worked the last few years?

  11. Regular overtime?

  12. Notice period


  1. Size of employer

  2. How many people work there?

History of Employment

  1. Previous disciplinaries/warnings within the 12 months prior to dismissal?

  2. Positive appraisals? EVI

Dismissal Itself

  1. How it was done

  2. For what reason

  3. Did you ask for a written statement of reasons?


  1. Were you given a final written warning? EVI

  2. Were there investigations about your conduct?

Disciplinary Hearing

  1. Were you told of the allegation then?

  2. Were you given the chance to ask questions?

  3. Chance to explain yourself?

  4. Told of right to bring someone in attendance

  5. Decision in writing after this?

  6. Chance to appeal this decision?

  7. Same people who carried out investigations (depends on size)

Post Dismissal

  1. Has there been contact with them?

  2. Payments since dismissal?

  3. Offered you job back?

  4. If you...

Buy the full version of these notes or essay plans and more in our Employment Law Notes.