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LPC Law Notes Family Law Notes

Family Cohabitation Notes

Updated Family Cohabitation Notes

Family Law Notes

Family Law

Approximately 181 pages

A collection of the best LPC Family Law notes the director of Oxbridge Notes (an Oxford law graduate) could find after combing through twenty-nine LPC samples from outstanding students with the highest results in England and carefully evaluating each on accuracy, formatting, logical structure, spelling/grammar, conciseness and "wow-factor".

In short these are what we believe to be the strongest set of LPC Family Law notes available in the UK this year. This collection of notes is fully update...

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Family Law Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:

Cohabitation Agreement

Nature and effect

  • Arrangements that will apply while they are living together and rights on the breakdown of the relationship

  • Can deal with ownership of property, finances, children and other matters

  • Best not to include trivial or personal matters ie. housework, bedroom


  • Unequal contribution- but own as joint tenants: suggest tenants in common with unequal shares, benefit to children in previous relationship

  • One side pay all mortgage and outgoings

  • Formatting

  • Drafting on hypothetical situation is pre-mature ie. children (and court will see childrenโ€™s welfare as most important)

  • Recitals: independent legal advice (enforceability), disclosure, details on property (payment, intended use)

  • Dispute resolution clause: go into arbitration

  • Deed

  • Recital- independent legal advice/ FFD/ costs of purchase

  • Cl 1- Ok but credit higher %

  • Cl 2-6- check instructions e.g. JT/ TIC and %

  • Cl 7- Ok, re-number

  • Cl 8- Re-number and refer to clause 2/ instructions

  • Cl 9-12- check instructions

  • Cl 13- Ok?

  • Cl 14- not binding and premature

  • Cl 15- omit- goes to legal intention

  • Missing

    • Recitals as above

    • Pensions

    • Insurance

    • Wills/ LPAs

    • Agreement as to PR

    • % share on sale or valuation mechanism to include non-financial contributions?

    • Review clause

  • Schedules

    • Duncan: capital, income, pension, sole contents

    • Emma: capital, income, pension

    • Joint contents

Enforceability and validity once signed

  • Timings- sign after moved in to avoid argument ie. undue influence: I only signed it because she would refuse to move in


  • Issues to be considered re validity:

    • Illegality on grounds of public policy- try to avoid

    • Undue influence

    • Intention to create legal relations

    • Certainty

    • consideration

  • ...

Buy the full version of these notes or essay plans and more in our Family Law Notes.