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LPC Law Notes Family Law Notes

Family Law Domestic Violence Notes

Updated Family Law Domestic Violence Notes

Family Law Notes

Family Law

Approximately 181 pages

A collection of the best LPC Family Law notes the director of Oxbridge Notes (an Oxford law graduate) could find after combing through twenty-nine LPC samples from outstanding students with the highest results in England and carefully evaluating each on accuracy, formatting, logical structure, spelling/grammar, conciseness and "wow-factor".

In short these are what we believe to be the strongest set of LPC Family Law notes available in the UK this year. This collection of notes is fully update...

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Family Law Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:

  • Domestic violence is not limited to physical abuse

  • Recognised in 1960s

    • Area of social trouble

    • rise of feminism and female autonomy

    • overwhelming woman suffer from domestic violence than a much greater weight than man, physical violence impact greater on woman

    • contained in very piecemeal and haphazard legislation

  • Not much access to law although different remedies(criminal law) available

  • Court also had powers to make orders under inherent jurisdiction and under tort laws

  • Clear coherent legislation needed- usually still love person so do not want them in jail, victim usually protect them, prosecution, need a special family problem solution without bringing in criminal law

  • Family Law Act 1996 Part 2

  • Non-molestation(騷擾)orders under the Family Law Act 1996(FLA) prohibit a person from molestating a person they are associated with, or a relevant child

    • Restrain order: named person is not allow to molest ie. Contact, visit

    • FLA 1996 did not define molestation

    • See as conducts that harasses or threatens A

    • Who can apply:

      • Must show associated persons S62(3)

        • G v F (Non-Molestation Order: Jurisdiction): If it is unclear whether the relationship falls within these categories, it should be treated as if it does

      • Courts may make such orders of their volition意志 but they seldom do

      • Child under 16 may apply but must obtain leave(permission) from court S43 FLA1996

    • Courts will consider S42(5) whether to exercise its power, if so, in what manner, the court shall have regard to all circumstances including the need to secure the health, safety and well-being

      • (a) of the applicant

      • (b) and of any relevant child

    • Order can be wide and can prohibit many types of conduct

      • But conducts must be threatening or harassment

      • Cannot use to remove someone from home (do not act as backdoor)

      • When someone is removed through occupation orders, non-molestation order may specify that they cannot come in certain specified area where victim is located

    • Consequences of breach:

      • S42A- Criminal Offence if breach without reasonable excuse

        • More robust to attain criminal consequences on top of civil consequences which are long process

      • Person must be aware of existence of order

      • Cannot be dealt with both criminal and civil proceedings

      • Police have power of arrest and person can be prosecuted

        • Police actually used caution and CPS did not prosecute not much actual protection

        • Formerly, victim had to bring contempt of court action 蔑視法庭

        • Undermines victim autonomy and fail to appreciate the nature of domestic violence

        • Can be strengthened by extending penalties in civil proceedings

      • Breach of molestation order is a criminal offence, but if criminal proceedings are not taken, breach can be dealt with in the civil courts as a contempt of court

      • Civil court: custodial sentence, maximum 2 years

        • Should not be distinctly different from criminal offence of Harassment

        • If violence, imprisonment

      • Criminal court more extensive- can impose fines, imprisonment, community sentence, rehabilitation orders

      • Sentence imposed for breach of order should be primarily concerned with ‘ensuring that the order is complied with and achieve protection it aimed to achieve’

      • Sentence also depend on original conduct, severity of breach, nature of breach

    • Protection from Harassment Act 1997

      • S1

        • (1)A person must not pursue a course of conduct-

          • (a) Which amounts to harassment of another,

          • (b) Which he know or ought to know amounts to harassment of the other

        • (2) The person (whose course of conduct is in question) ought to know that it amounts to harassment of another if a reasonable person in possession of the same information would think the course of conduct amounted to harassment of the other

      • Parties do not need to be related or have any relationship with each other ie. Quasi-family situation: ex’s current partner, non-direct relatives

      • Both criminal and civil proceedings

      • fine or jail upon summary conviction and also civil claim S3

      • S4 putting people in fear of violence but must be a course on at least 2 occasions

      • S5 Restraining order

    • Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004

      • New provision affect sanctions for breach and not criteria for initially making the order

      • Victims choose to take criminal proceedings more

      • But criminalising breach of non-molestation order discouraged victims to apply the order, although it intended to increase level of protection to victims

      • Seeking an order is expensive and reduction in availability of legal aid

  • Occupation orders regulate the occupation of property

    1. Can be used to remove an abuser from the home

    2. Give right to victim to enter and remain in home

    3. Or both

  • Depend on

    • Relationship

    • Entitlement to home

  • S33- Person may apply to court for an order

    • If a person is

      • Entitled to occupy a dwelling-house as a beneficial or has the right to remain in occupation; or

      • Has home rights in relation to the house (if married, have home rights in any property own by spouse)

    • The dwelling house

      • Is or at any time has been the home of the person entitled and another associated person; or

      • Was at any time intended by the person entitled and any such other person to be their home.

    • (4) An order under this section may declare that A is entitled as mentioned in ss(1)(a)(i) or has home rights

    • (5) If A has home rights and R is the other spouse, an order can be made during the marriage may provide that those rights are not brought to an end by-

      • (a) the death of the other spouse; or

      • (b) the termination (otherwise than by death) of the marriage

  • Person entitled if they are registered owners or have some other kind of proprietary interest in the home

  • Beneficial interest under a trust, estoppel, estate contract (in equity)- difficult to prove and insufficient time to apply for court to prove property interest and domestic violence case S v F (Occupation Order)- not enough time to determine if applicant had all necessary evidence to prove S33 interest so used S35 instead but lower level protection

  • Moore v Moore...

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