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Constitutional Law Cases

Name Reference Subtopic
The Strauss case [1958] 21 MLR 485 Freedom of Political Expression Cases
Köbler v Republik Österreich [2003] 3 CMLR 28 European Communities Law Cases
Case C-46 and48/93 Brasserie du Pecheur and Factortame III (no.3) [1996] ECR I-1029 European Communities Law Cases
Andrea Francovich and Danila Bonifaci and others v Italian Republic [1991] ECR I-5357 European Communities Law Cases
Litster v Forth Dry Dock [1989] 1 All ER 1134 European Communities Law Cases
Pickstone v Freemans [1989] AC 66 European Communities Law Cases
Duke v Reliance [1988] 1 All ER 626 European Communities Law Cases
Werner Mangold v. Rüdiger Helm [2005] ECR I-9981 European Communities Law Cases
Marshall v Southampton and South West Hampshire Area Health Authority (no.2) [1993] 4 All ER 586 European Communities Law Cases
Leonesio v Italian Finance Ministry [1972] ECR 287 European Communities Law Cases
Factortame 2 R v Secretary of State for Transport ex. p. Factortame (No.2) [1991] A.C. 603 European Communities Law Cases
Amministrazione delle Finanze v Simmenthal SpA [1978] ECR 629 European Communities Law Cases
Flaminio Costa v ENEL [1964] ECR 585 ECJ European Communities Law Cases
Marleasing SA v La Comercial Internacional de Alimentación SA [1990] C-106/89 European Communities Law Cases
Von Colson v Land Nordrhein-Westfalen [1984] Case 14/83 European Communities Law Cases
Marshall v Health Authority (No. 1) [1986] Case 152/84 European Communities Law Cases
Portuguese Republic v Council [1999] ECLI:EU:C:1999:574 European Communities Law Cases
Federal Republic of Germany v Commission [2007] Case T-374/04 European Communities Law Cases
NV International Fruit Company and others v Commission of the European Communities [1971] ECLI:EU:C:1971:53 European Communities Law Cases
Italy v Commission [1974] C-173/73 European Communities Law Cases
Defrenne v Sabena (No 2) [1976] Case 43/75; ECR 455 European Communities Law; The Relationship between EC Law and National Law Cases
Reyners v Belgium [1974] Case 2/74 European Communities Law Cases
S Faran ‘Prerogative Rights, Human Rights and Island People: the Pitcairn and Chagos Island Cases [2007] PL 414 Composition and Role of the Executive Cases
R (Gentle) v Prime Minister (and others) [2007] QB 689 Composition and Role of the Executive Cases
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Fire Brigades Union [1995] 2 WLR 464 Composition and Role of the Executive Cases