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BCL Law Notes Conflict of Laws Notes

Renvoi Notes

Updated Renvoi Notes

Conflict of Laws Notes

Conflict of Laws

Approximately 176 pages

These notes provide a comprehensive breakdown of what is needed, seminar by seminar, for the BCL Conflict of Laws course.

They include summaries of academic positions on key issues, case summaries, the relevance of a case to each area (eg. lis alibi pendens). They are organised in a simple, easy-digestible way without lacking any of the depth that is required to get to grips with this challenging module....

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Conflict of Laws Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:



  1. Renvoi is a French word meaning ‘send back’ or ‘return unopened’

  2. In private international law, national courts with jurisdiction over a dispute are often required to apply the law of a foreign country as the lex causae. This raises the following question: does this mean the domestic rules of this foreign country apply, or should the foreign law in its entirety, including its choice of law rules, be applied? If the latter approach is adopted, the process is known as renvoi.

  3. Total Renvoi - Within the doctrine there is also the approach called total renvoi or ‘foreign court theory’. This applies where an English judge hearing a case will attempt to apply the law of a foreign court in the same manner as if it were held in the foreign court, including the foreign court’s rules of private international law. Thus, potentially, an English judge could apply French private international law, which would point back to English private international law, which could then say apply French law (Re Annesley).

  4. This can be very complex so should it apply?


  1. Briggs (2013) – ‘renvoi is viewed in some quarters with a distaste which sometimes borders on mania’

  2. Excluded by Rome I (Art 20) and Rome II (Art 24)

  3. Jacobs v Motor Insurers – where renvoi not expressly excluded there is a ‘presumption’ it’s not applicable and needs to be a ‘strong reason’ for it to apply

  4. Iran v Berend / Blue Sky One – first instance decisions where its shown not to apply to movable property – which Briggs thinks is wrong as it should

  5. Briggs - in common law probably doesn’t apply to contract or tort. So basically doesn’t apply where the judgment will have its effect on the litigants themselves

  6. Foreign Limitation Act 1984 s.1(5) – says no option to make a renvoi on questions of limitation – Briggs says this is a little clumsy and uncertain


  1. Briggs - Where the judgment relates to status, either the ownership of a thing or the marriageability of an individual, as it will have a potential impact on third parties – so need for court to align with the court reached by potentially-involved other court . SO DOES APPLY, WHEN PLEADED:

  2. Ex p Arias - when pleaded, to whether a marriage is valid

  3. Bank of Africa v Cohen – apply the lex situs, in its renvoi sense, where the question is properly one concerning title to the land

  4. s. 212(3) Civil Partnership Act 2004 – doctrine received statutory endorsement in the field of same-sex marriages


  1. Briggs – he’s pro-renvoi where need to align with foreign law (ie. immovable property)

  2. Clarkson & Hill – they’re anti-renvoi



  1. Clarkson & Hill – refer to the cost and difficulty involved in proving foreign countries’ choice of law rules and their rules on renvoi. Indeed, Re Annesley highlights how it can be especially complex when the question is unsettled in the foreign country itself.

  2. Briggs – ‘overstated’ as it rarely applies and only arises where parties specifically plead it


  1. choice of law rules were formulated without consideration for renvoi

  2. Cheshire and North – it is ‘objectionable in principle’ that after so much effort has gone into selecting the lex causae, using choice of law rules, the same effort has to go into deciding which law the lex causae would apply to the dispute

  3. Briggs – that’s just a rejection without justification, and in any event, common law was able to improve itself with refinement


  1. It involves capitulation by the lex fori to the lex causae

  2. Briggs – ‘misconceived’ as English law decides whether to follow a foreign court’s pattern of reasoning

  1. LOOP

  1. Clarkson & Hill – refer to the vicious circle that could occur where two countries exercise total renvoi and thus are constantly referring back to the other countries’ law in a cyclical loop

  2. Forsyth – so if English judge dons the mantle of a foreign judge only to discover that the foreign judge dons the mantle of the English judge

  3. Neilson v Overseas Projects (Australia)– McHugh J dissented in this case due to this fear

  4. Lorenzen (1941) – suggested that as renvoi relies on the foreign country not applying total renvoi it means that one is relying on a doctrine whose existence is premised on the...

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