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PPE Notes Sociological Theory Notes

Cohen Marxism And Functionalism Notes

Updated Cohen Marxism And Functionalism Notes

Sociological Theory Notes

Sociological Theory

Approximately 77 pages

Notes on ideology, class, and methodology. Including summaries of Bourdieu, Durkheim, Weber, Zizek, Marx and Giddens....

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Gerry Cohen - Functional explanation, consequence explanation, and Marxism

1. Marxism, Functional Explanation, and Game Theory

  • Marxism relies on consequence explanations, in which consequences are used to explain their causes

    • according to Elster, consequence explanation is available to biology but not to the social sciences

      • Elster claims that Marxism should rely upon game theory rather than functionalism

        • but this is not possible to historical materialism, which necessarily relies on consequence explanations

    • historical materialism claims that:

      • the level of development of the productive forces in a society explains the nature of its economic structure

      • its economic structure explains the nature of its superstructure

      • for this to be consistent with the following Marxist theses, the species of explanation must be functional:

        • the economic structure of a society promotes the development of its productive forces

        • the superstructure of a society stabilizes its economic structure

      • functional explanation = ‘e occurred because the situation was such that an event of type E would cause an event f type F’

  • Historical materialism cannot contain game theory because it is not a theory of behaviour

    • rather it is a theory of the forces and relations constraining and directing behaviour

      • the short term outcomes of class struggle may be determined by behaviour, but the long term outcomes are governed by a dialectic of forces and relations of production, not by behaviour

2. Functional explanation and the theory of chance variation and natural selection

  • Functional explanation = where something is explained by its function, or where something is explained by the function of something or other (possibly not itself)

    • consequence explanation = where the fact that E causes F helps to explain the occurrence of E

    • evolution is an example of consequence explanation, because ‘it is because an environment is such that in it a certain feature would improve the reproductive capacity of members of a species that the species acquires that feature’

    • the central Marxist explanations are consequence explanations, but not necessarily (or not clearly) functional explanations

  • Does evolution provide/justify functional explanations?

    • do particular organisms develop certain features because they are or were functional for that organism?

      • no - features are developed in particular organisms because of genetic endowments, regardless of whether they are or were functional for that organism

        • particular organisms have no way to remove features that are no longer functional

    • do particular organisms develop certain features because they are or were functional for something other than it (e.g. the species)?

      • if an individual organism has a particular feature because it is a functional feature (as opposed to being because of random variation) then it is because it was functional for past organisms, rather than being functional for that individual organism

        • this led to higher reproduction rates for those organisms

        • this is not a full functional explanation - A has feature F which is functional for A, and has feature F because of F’s function, but not because of F’s function for A

        • if such an explanation were a functional explanation, then we would be committed to functional explanations of non-functional features, because of the functionality of the replication mechanism for past organisms

    • does something other than a particular organism have/develop a certain feature because it is/was functional for it?

      • yes, species develop certain features because they are functional to that species...

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