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Scots Law Notes Scottish Legal System Notes

Scottish Legal History Notes

Updated Scottish Legal History Notes

Scottish Legal System Notes

Scottish Legal System

Approximately 57 pages

These notes have been personally made on my own and they are highly efficient and easy to read. They cover the whole of the Scottish Legal System module. They explain all the concepts in a clear manner and also highlight all the important cases to remember with their facts and principles....

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Scottish Legal System Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:

  1. Scottish Legal History

  • European Context theme going back to Roman Law

Until 656

  • Roman Law presided over their vast Roman Empire, and concepts of Roman Law influence much of modern civil law

  • But Roman Law never got to the territory of Scotland

  • At that time, Scotland was not a country, but a collection of tribes and small kingdoms

  • Romans build a wall at the border between Scotland and England

  • Roman Empire falls

  • Christianity is spread in Europe

  • Church used the law and court to uphold its beliefs


  • Death of Justinian, Roman Emperor of the surviving Roman Empire in the east

  • Justinian Institutes and Digest: law survived, reshaped and was being taught


  • Early dark/ middle ages

  • Lack of strict legal authority after fall of Roman law

  • Continuing development of the Church

  • Rise of Feudalism- power building, land was distributed by people of power to those below them, in return for giving their superiors military force


  • Beginning of the rise of states in Europe

  • England was highly organised and governed because of the Norman Conquest headed by William the Conqueror

  • The common law of England resulted

  • The king took an increasing role in doing a better quality of justice

  • The king in these courts provided remedies in particular situations, and the kingโ€™s law was superior

  • Gives rise to the notion that English law is not about rights, but about providing a remedy for injustice

  • Roman law was rediscovered

  • Cannon law, law of the church, was also rediscovered

  • Roman law and cannon law were taught at universities

  • Church claims a wide jurisdiction claiming to keep people good, involved with marriage, wills, etc.

  • Scotland had a similar imitation of the English system of remedies


  • New secular structure of the legal system

  • In Scotland, if someone came up with a new issue that hadnโ€™t been remedied, they go to the King, who used his council and advisors in sessions to deal with these disputes

  • Difference between Scotland and England, is that these sessions become a court in its own right (Court of Session), which was the highest court in Scotland

  • In Scotland, having a central court lead to the growth of the legal profession

  • A Faculty was formed by the advocates of the Session and the exam was in civil law

  • Reformation reached Scotland, and the papal jurisdiction is overthrown

  • Cannon law still prevailed in that there was a test seeing if cannon law was consistent with scripture, and if not it was not followed anymore

  • In 1603, King James of Scotland became the heir to Elizabeth I in England

  • This is the period when scots law begins to become articulate through 2 major writers:...

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