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History Notes Luther and the German Reformation Notes

Luther Essay Plans Notes

Updated Luther Essay Plans Notes

Luther and the German Reformation Notes

Luther and the German Reformation

Approximately 514 pages

These notes contain all the work that I did during the term on the Oxford University module: Luther and the German Reformation.

They include extremely detailed notes on Luther's writings in relation to the following topics:
The 95 Theses and the Early Reformation
1520 Treatises
Luther and Carlstadt
The Peasants' War
Anabaptists and Spiritualists
Jews, Turks and the Devil
Biographies of Luther

The notes contain extensive background reading in addition to notes on the relevan...

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Luther and the German Reformation Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:


• 2 aspects to the beginning of the Reformation

Coherent theology for new beliefs

Action based on beliefs / consequences of Luther’s ideas

• 1517 - famous date of apparent 95 theses

• Definition of Reformation - internal development of theology v. external reforms

• Issue of having convenient date of 31 October or 1 November 1517 - can the 'Reformation' merely begin at a certain place and a certain time?

More nuanced view of spreading ideas of reform and coalescing around certain dates

• Further importance of the notion of schism - claimed that he did not want it => yet becomes acceptant of the idea and this can be said to determine later relations

Much more aggressive and eager to immediately condemn

• Other prime mover is the pope - defines whether the Reformation as a schism must occur

95 theses

Attack on indulgences and mercenary church


Contrition cannot be bought - indulgences should include ideas of regret

• Some foreshadowing of later radicalism - emphasis on scripture, faith + repentance

Christians being misled + 'treasure' of word of God

Convenient date to provide beginning

Doubt whether there is an actual date

Not 1517

• Carlstadt had also had theses

Catholic remnants + lack of action

• Theology of 1517 was in no way fully developed

• Still accepted purgatory and indulgences - did not question sacrament of penance and very notion of good works

• Importance of repentance

• Still hoped for reform

• Issue of schism - wishes to get reform => hoped that pope was unaware of abuses

• Radical ideas led to Diet of Augsburg + Leipzig Debate (1519)

Justification by faith alone - 1517 => defends at Augsburg 1518

The more important potential 'event' of 1517 - tower moment

• Difficult to date

• 1517 - Justification by faith alone - due to grace of God

The main Christian tenet of faith

1515 lecturing on St Paul’s letter to the Romans + the just living by faith alone => meaning?

• Generally dated before 1518 + c. 1517- described later his tower experience

~ Sat in a tower and gets to Romans 1.17 - ‘the righteousness of God is revealed . . . the righteous shall live by faith’

~ Revealed in the Gospel

~ Reinterpretation - not behaviour but grace of God

~ Onus is on God rather than on humanity

~ Peace to the terrified heart

• It is this which truly refutes indulgences and informed the priesthood of all believers

Underlying doctrine of all Luther's theology

• Central importance of faith - how to achieve salvation => formulated by 1518 with justification by faith

Yet promulgated in the vernacular in 1520 => new religion + reformation

• It was particularly this which informed his aggression in 1518-19

1518 Cajetan + Augsburg 1519

• By 1518, however, Luther was becoming more aggressive

Large group taken to Augsburg - clerk saw them as aggressive

• 1518 Cajetan - Augsburg

Pope could and did err

Justification by faith - 'no one can be justified except by faith'

Uses Spalatin to disseminate certain points to the Elector - letters

• Leipzig 1519 - Eck

Public statement of beliefs

Word of God

Impossible reconciliation with Church

• Critical of Eck's envy

It was only after this - 3 years later - that pope issued exsurge domine, 41/95 theses were heretical

1520 + Excommunication

• 1520 treatises date the real turning point

First proper written message of justification by faith - the main tenet


Beginnings of schism due to exsurge domine - To the Christian Nobility uses the word 'reformation' a lot more => laying down what must be done

Acceptance of schism following Exsurge Domine in June 1520 => martyrdom + schism

• Time when the 1517 theses became the 'Ninety Five Theses'

• Major consolidation of theology => Excommunication

• Beginnings of Reformation - creation of Cranach's etchings

Bob Scribner - major importance of images to spreading ideas

• To The Christian Nobility

First proper definition of priesthood of all believers

Sola scriptura

Intervention of nobility

• Babylonian captivity

3 sacraments

Lord's Supper

• Freedom of a Christian

• First and third were written in German - transition to a vernacular reformer => turning point

• Turning point from reform in tradition of Erasmus - this is what constituted the Reformation

OTBC - 'the breach is irreparable'

1521-2 - radicalising of the Reformation

• Triumphal progress to Worms - already popular by this point

McGrath and biographers such as Oberman - major importance of this event

Luther is risking martyrdom

Yet also first large 'external' event => becoming popular and demand for woodcuts

• Yet dangerous - made comparison to Christ travelling to crucifixion => in favour of truth

• Hus had had safe conduct - yet had still been burnt - precedent

• Major importance of hearing him speak

Duke of Schleswig-Holstein - later King of Denmark

Larger room on the second day

Merchants hear him and spread ideas

• Also importance of letters - Luther creates semi-public documents and expects them to be preached (Lyndal Roper)

1522 => action based on 1520 treatises

• McGrath - Reformation started when Luther returned from the Wartburg to Wittenberg

• Carlstadt's actions in Wittenberg - removal of images + vernacular mass

May mark start of Reformation proper

• Dependent on definition of Reformation

Could be defined as when Carlstadt started to make real changes

• Transition from theology to reality


• Reformation was a continuous process - despite major importance of 1517, it was only a preliminary => only in Latin, aim for reform and reconciliation without desire for schism

More important theological developments in 1517 => yet had to wait until 1520 for these to be disseminated widely

• While Luther is the central character and his aggression influences our beliefs - the pope was the major factor

Excommunication threat in 1520 stimulated major treatises and actual excommunication in 1521 led to Diet of Worms =>...

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