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History Notes

Choose from our range of History Notes and revision materials, all prepared by top students during their studies.*






15 yrs

In Business
History Bundle Notes
150 total pages
7 purchased

British History, 400-1088AD, Economic Approach to History, General Worl...

University Of Nottingham History Bundle 2015 Notes
202 total pages
2 purchased

Age of Empire 1800-1914, Contemporary History of the Middle East 1914-1...

20th Century British psychiatry Notes
16 total pages
1 purchased

Notes on changes in psychiatric institutions during the 20th Century...

Age of Empire 1800-1914 Notes
38 total pages
3 purchased

Detailed notes regarding aspects of imperialism throughout the 19th ...

American History - 1863-1975 Notes
46 total pages
11 purchased

American history following the Civil War. Includes: Progressivism, P...

Approaches to History Notes
45 total pages
15 purchased

These notes provide comprehensive cover of the Approaches to History...

Augustine and the Last Days of Rome: 370-450 Notes
142 total pages
6 purchased

A comprehensive, yet concise, set of notes on all the major sources ...

Austria, 1848 - 1914 Notes
96 total pages
2 purchased

Bullet point notes covering the politics, economy, culture, and abov...

British and French History(1689 - Present) Notes
4 total pages

This module charts both the hostile and co-operative relationship be...

British Economic History - 1840-1964 Notes
40 total pages
10 purchased

Study of Britain's economic performance in comparative context with ...

British Foreign Policy, 1815 - 1924 Notes
123 total pages
4 purchased

Extremely detailed notes covering over a century of British foreign ...

British History, 1485-1649 Notes
13 total pages
11 purchased

Revision notes for Mary I. These notes were tailored for the British...

British History - 1832-1911 Notes
37 total pages
10 purchased

Notes on British political history post-1832 Reform Act....

British History, 400-1088AD Notes
42 total pages
6 purchased

These essays range from the transition from Roman colony to Anglo-Sa...

British History IV (1500-1700) Notes
73 total pages
13 purchased

These notes focus on the Civil War, popular politics, the Early Refo...

British History VI: 1815-1924 Notes
165 total pages
17 purchased

A thorough, yet easy-to-read, body of notes for 19th Century British...

British History VII (Since 1900) Notes
70 total pages
33 purchased

Comprehensive revision notes covering culture, Thatcherism, interwar...

British liberalism, 1815 - 1918 Notes
111 total pages
3 purchased

Bullet point notes on Whiggery and Liberalism from Grey to Lloyd Geo...

Conquest and Colonisation: Spain and America Notes
4 total pages
4 purchased

These notes are for the module 'Conquest and Colonisation' of the Am...

Contemporary History of the Middle East 1914-1982 Notes
43 total pages
6 purchased

Historiographical analysis provided with each individual subject


Crime and Punishment in England c.1280-c.1450 Notes
227 total pages
3 purchased

These notes contain all the work that I did during the term on the O...

Culture and Society in Early Renaissance Italy: 1290-1348 Notes
124 total pages
4 purchased

A thorough, easy to read set of notes on the Early Italian Renaissan...

Disciplines of History - Comparative History Notes
63 total pages
12 purchased

Notes catering for the Comparative History section of the Discipline...

Disciplines of History: Comparative History & Historical Argument Notes
360 total pages
21 purchased

These notes contain all the work that I did on the Oxford University...

Disciplines of History - Making Historical Arguments Notes
39 total pages
15 purchased

Includes notes on gender, literature in History and structuralism....

Economic Approach to History Notes
23 total pages
9 purchased

The economic approach to history gained popularity in the early 20th...

Empire and Nation: Britain and India Since 1750 Notes
10 total pages
2 purchased

History of the subcontinent, from the arrival of the East India Comp...

Empires and World History (c. 1400-1900) Notes
30 total pages
8 purchased

A range of essays written for Part I Paper 21 (Empires and World His...

European History 19th century Notes
23 total pages
5 purchased

European history in the 19th century in the realms of industry, educ...

France, 1851 - 1914 Notes
58 total pages
1 purchased

Rigorous bullet point notes focusing on the Second Empire, but cover...

Further Subject: Comparative History of WWI (1914-19) Notes
82 total pages
2 purchased

A concise collection on notes relating to the FHS World War One Furt...

General History III: 1400-1650 Renaissance, Recovery and Reform Notes
34 total pages
16 purchased

These are all my revision notes for the Oxford University module: Ge...

General History III: 1400–1650 (Renaissance, Recovery and Reform) Notes
43 total pages
13 purchased

These notes provide comprehensive cover of the General III Prelimina...

General History VIII: 1500 - 1618 Notes
110 total pages
12 purchased

A comprehensive, yet easy to read set of notes for the period of Eur...

General History X: Europe 1715-99 Notes
667 total pages
10 purchased

These notes contain all the work that I did during the term on the O...

General World History 1815-1914 Notes
30 total pages
3 purchased

The developements in this period dictated the makeup of the modern w...

History of the British Isles II: 1042-1330 Notes
951 total pages
21 purchased

These notes contain all the work that I did during the term on the O...

History of the British Isles II: 1042-1330 Notes
60 total pages
5 purchased

These notes offer comprehensive cover of a breadth of topics relevan...

History of the British Isles IV: 1500-1700 Notes
124 total pages
19 purchased

These are all my revision notes for the Oxford University module: Hi...

History of the British Isles V: 1685–1830 Notes
29 total pages
6 purchased

These notes provide comprehensive cover of the Brit V preliminary pa...

IB Extended Essay on Nazi Germany (Third Reich) : German Youth Notes
24 total pages
28 purchased

This is a sample of an IB extended essay in History which received a...

IB Internal Assessment Sample Notes
15 total pages
6 purchased

IB History Internal Assessment (IA)

What is it?
A historical inves...

Immigration in post-war Britain Notes
20 total pages
2 purchased

Notes on secondary literature....

Imperialism Notes
96 total pages
3 purchased

These notes tackle the concept of imperialism - what is an empire, h...

Intellect and Culture in Victorian Britain Notes
754 total pages
16 purchased

These notes contain all the work that I did during the term on the O...

International History Since 1890 Notes
53 total pages
14 purchased

Notes, essay plans and reading summaries on
*Stalin's Foreign Policy...

Ireland, 1789 - 1922 Notes
90 total pages
6 purchased

Exhaustive notes covering all aspects of Irish society in the long n...

Japan, 1850 - 1914 Notes
48 total pages
6 purchased

Bullet point notes looking in great detail at the development of mod...

Luther and the German Reformation Notes
514 total pages
11 purchased

These notes contain all the work that I did during the term on the O...

Medieval History Notes
6 total pages
2 purchased

Notes detailing the causes of the war alongside two sections detaili...

Military logistics, 1550 - 1815 Notes
77 total pages

The essentials of manning, feeding, training, transporting, and keep...

Modern Mexico & the Drug Trade Notes
23 total pages
2 purchased

Summaries of secondary literature on the drug trade and state-format...

Nationalism Notes
10 total pages
5 purchased

Brief notes on the concept of nationalism and the idea of a national...

Optional 8: Witch-craft and Witch-hunting in early modern Europe Notes
38 total pages
6 purchased

These notes provide comprehensive cover of the Optional Subject 8 pa...

Reformation to Revolution 1517-1789 Notes
40 total pages
4 purchased

Extremely useful alongside the "magic and witchcraft" notes as they ...

Revolutions Notes
62 total pages
10 purchased

Complete bullet-point notes on the historical approach to revolution...

Roads to Modernity 1789-1945 Notes
40 total pages
9 purchased

Notes outlining the multiple peace settlements after WW1 and their w...

Roman Imperial History Notes
46 total pages
20 purchased

A range of essays written for Part I Paper 13 (European History 31BC...

Russia, 1850 - 1914 Notes
78 total pages
6 purchased

From the Emancipation of the Serfs to the 1905 Revolution, all aspec...

Slavery and Abolition Notes
16 total pages
2 purchased

Notes on different historical explanations for the abolition of slav...

The Anthropological Approach to History Notes
25 total pages
15 purchased

These essays cover various anthropological theories and assess their...

The British Empire, 1800 - 1914 Notes
60 total pages
5 purchased

Every aspect of the British Empire - its politics, its armies, its c...

The law and warfare, 1618 - 1815 Notes
66 total pages

An account of the development of international law in the early mode...

The Military Revolution and military tactics, 1550 - 1815 Notes
108 total pages
1 purchased

The structure, art, and development of warfare in the early modern p...

The Rise of Modern China 1842-1949 Notes
35 total pages
10 purchased

Detailed topics included:

Internal problems and the fall of the Qin...

The South African War (Second Boer War) 1899-1902 Notes
82 total pages
3 purchased

These notes correspond to a second year undergraduate History unit o...

The Spanish Conquest and Colonisation of the New World Notes
30 total pages
4 purchased

These essays examine major sources behind the history of the Spanish...

The warfare of the French Revolution Notes
52 total pages

Bullet point notes recording the effect of the French Revolution on ...

Transnationalism Notes
19 total pages
4 purchased

Brief notes looking at the development of global, international, and...

War at sea, 1550 - 1815 Notes
50 total pages

Focusing primarily on the French and British navies, these notes dea...

Witch-craft and witch-hunting in Early Modern Europe (OS8) Notes
57 total pages
5 purchased

Detialed revision notes and essay points on necromancy and folk beli...

World imperialism, 1850 - 1914 Notes
130 total pages
3 purchased

Exhaustive notes on every major, and almost every minor, empire of t...

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