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Operational Research Notes Operational Research Techniques Notes

Inventory Control 2 Notes

Updated Inventory Control 2 Notes

Operational Research Techniques Notes

Operational Research Techniques

Approximately 104 pages

In depth, typed notes covering the Operational Research Techniques (OR202.1) course at LSE (London School of Economics) which is part of the Operational Research Methods (OR202) course along with Mathematical Programming (OR202.2). Covers the full content of the course including the following topics:

- Flowshop Scheduling
- Replacement Theory
- Critical Path Analysis
- PERT Analysis
- Decision Theory
- Game Theory
- Simulation
- Heuristic Methods
- Travelling Salesman Problem
- Queuin...

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Operational Research Techniques Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:

Lecture 17: Inventory (Stock) Control 2 Summary Stochastic Demand * Given stochastic (probabilistic) demand, there is always the possibility of demand exceeding the amount in stock * [?] customers will be delayed in the supply of their goods * [?] stock control policy will be affected by stockouts * Sometimes the cost of a stockout can be found in cash terms * Cost equation can be formed and minimised * Other times, a 'service' level to customers is decided on * The inventory policy is then determined to meet this level * We can choose between: a. Continuous review policy (fixed order quantity) b. Periodic review policy (variable order quantity) Periodic Review: Instant Delivery Stock is inspected at regular intervals of time T Decision to restock is made at T Any order is supplied instantly Sufficient stock must be held after replenishment to cater for predicted demand until the next reorder period * A reasonable policy is to replenish the stock to some fixed level L every T units of time * * * * * T = the reorder period * Time between inspections of stock * R = shortage cost per unit stocked out * Independent of time * No backlogging * C = order cost * Independent of order size * B = stockholding cost per unit per unit time * Based on average stock level * = prob (j units demanded in T) * Average Stock Level = Half the opening stock + Half the average closing stock during T * * * * Probability of a stock out = Expected number of units stocked out = Expected stock level just before an order comes in = Expected difference between supply and demand = Graph demonstrating the pattern of stock level over time Course Notes Page 46

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