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PPE Notes The Philosophy of Science and Social Science Notes

Elster The Nature And Scope Of Rational Choice Explanation Notes

Updated Elster The Nature And Scope Of Rational Choice Explanation Notes

The Philosophy of Science and Social Science Notes

The Philosophy of Science and Social Science

Approximately 88 pages

Notes on various texts and debates in the philosophy of science and philosophy of social science, including explanation, relativism, interpretation, and individual/holism....

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Jon Elster - The Nature and Scope of Rational-Choice Explanation

  • What is intentionality?

    • establishes behaviour as action and the performer as an agent

    • relation between behaviour (B), a set of cognitions (C), and a set of desires (D)

    • the desires and beliefs must be reasons for the behaviour, so

      • Given C, B is the best means to realize D

        • insufficient for ‘the occurrence of the behaviour for which they are reasons’ because B could be recognized as the best means yet be very difficult/impossible in the particular circumstances. Also the same behaviour - B - may occur for reasons other than C and D

      • C and D caused B

        • this is also insufficient because the same causes C and D could produce quite different behaviour. In other words, C and D could act as a cause, but not qua reason

      • C and D caused B qua reasons - sufficient

        • ‘When the desire of the rifleman causes him to miss the target, we point to something like psychological turbulence or emotional excitement, not the strength of the desire’

          • the emotional halo that surrounds the reason (strength of desire) is irrelevant for its efficacy qua reason, but may affect its efficacy qua nonrational cause

          • in other words, emotions such as the one above can form causes in intentional explanations, but they will be nonrational causes

  • Rational-choice explanation goes beyond intentionality

    • to be rational, behaviour must stem from desires and beliefs (C and D) that are in some sense rational

    • we need a stronger relation between the beliefs and desires and the action

    • minimally, we require that

      • The set of beliefs C is internally consistent

      • The set of desires D is internally consistent

        • for a belief in an outcome to be consistent, there must be a possible world in which it is feasible (i.e. it is a logical possibility)

        • actions may be guided by inconsistent desires or beliefs

    • we may of course demand more from rationality than consistency - we may want the belief (C) to be well grounded. So, three conditions are to be satisfied

      • The belief - C - must be the best belief, given the available evidence

        • presupposes strong rule of inductive inference

      • The belief must be caused by the available evidence

        • rules out possibility of striking upon the correct belief by accident

      • The evidence must cause the belief “in the right way”

        • rules out possibility that one might arrive at the belief warranted by the evidence, but by the wrong reasoning

    • however, this is incomplete, because we also need a condition regarding how much evidence it is rational to collect

    • could we similarly demand substantive rationality of the desires?

      • maybe

    • we must draw a stronger connection between desires and behaviour, but one that excludes akratic behaviour - behaviour that shows a weak will - from being considered rational:

      • Given C, B is the best action with respect to the full set of weighed desires

  • The success of rational-choice models in economics rests on their ability to yield unique, determinate predictions in terms of maximizing behaviour.

    • But what if:

      • there are several equally good options

      • there is no best option at all

      • uniquely maximizing behaviour is in general not possible?

    • where there are several equally good options

      • clearly in the real world, even among equally good options, one is ultimately chosen

      • if we had a theory of which would be chosen it would be an improvement over the one that leaves it indeterminate, but would destroy the ‘existence proof’ by introducing a discontinuity in the reaction functions

      • given a situation with multiple optimal strategies (i.e. multiple equally good options), why should the actor choose the (social/market) equilibrium strategy?

        • game theory fails to deal with this

    • where optimal behaviour does not exist e.g. an agent has incomplete preferences

      • noncomparability may be particularly important where our rankings are sensitive to the welfare of others -...

Buy the full version of these notes or essay plans and more in our The Philosophy of Science and Social Science Notes.