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LPC Law Notes Civil Litigation Notes

Part 36 Crib Sheet Notes

Updated Part 36 Crib Sheet Notes

Civil Litigation Notes

Civil Litigation

Approximately 418 pages

A collection of the best LPC Civil Litigation notes the director of Oxbridge Notes (an Oxford law graduate) could find after combing through dozens of LPC samples from outstanding students with the highest results in England and carefully evaluating each on accuracy, formatting, logical structure, spelling/grammar, conciseness and "wow-factor".

In short these are what we believe to be the strongest set of Civil Lit notes available in the UK this year. This collection of notes is fully updated...

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Civil Litigation Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:

Part 36

  1. Requirements for a Part 36 offer

    1. 36.3(2) Can be made at any time, including before issuing proceedings, or before an appeal

    2. 36.2(2)

      1. (a) Must be in writing

      2. (b) Must state that it is intended to have the consequences of a Part 36 offer

      3. (c) Must specify a period not less than 21 days within which the defendant will be liable for the claimant’s costs as set out in 36.10 if the offer is accepted

        1. This DOES NOT apply if the offer is made less than 21 days before the trial

        2. If there are less than 21 days until trial, the relevant period when the party will have to pay costs if accepted is until the end of the trial or when the court deems

      4. (d) Must state whether the other is related to the whole of the claim or only to part of it

      5. (e) Must state whether it takes account of any counterclaim

    3. PD 36A, para 10.1 – Form N242A

    4. 36.9(3) If the trial has started, court permission is needed to accept a Part 36 offer

    5. 36.13(1) without prejudice save as to costs

    6. 36.13(2) Offers must not be revealed to the judge until all the issues of liability & quantum have been decided

      1. If it is revealed, a judge can withdraw or remain, as long as he is certain that no prejudice is done to either side

    7. 36.7(1) Serve a Part 36 offer on the offeree as under Part 6 CPR

      1. 21 days starts from the deemed date of service

  2. Clarification of a Part 36 Offer

    1. 36.8(1) ask for clarification within 7 days of service of the offer

    2. 36.8(2) Offeror must respond within 7 days of receiving the request for clarification

      1. Any failure to respond will allow the offeree to apply for an order

        1. Does not apply if trial has started

      2. 36.8(3) If court order is made, the court must specify the date when the Part 36 offer is treated as to having been made

  3. Acceptance of a Part 36 Offer

    1. 36.9(1) Effected by serving a notice of acceptance on the offeror

      1. PD 36, para 3.1 if proceedings have started, file a notice of acceptance with the court

    2. 36.10(5) If accepted late

      1. Defendant pay the claimant’s costs up to the expiry date of the relevant period

      2. Offeree pay offeror’s costs from expiry date to date of acceptance

    3. 36.11(6) Unless otherwise agreed, settlement money must be paid within 14 days of acceptance

    4. 36.11(1) Claim is stayed on terms of the offer

    5. 36.11(7) Court can still enforce the offer, or deal with costs or interest on the costs

  4. Withdrawal of a Part 36 Offer

    1. Before expiry of the relevant period

      1. 36.5(3) & PD 36A, para 2.2 For terms less advantageous to the offeree can only be done with court permission

    2. After expiry of the relevant period

      1. Done at any time by serving written notice on offeree

    3. Effects

      1. 36.14(6) Offer ceases to have an effect on costs ,although the court still must consider the offer when they decide on costs

  5. Tomlin Order

    1. Proceedings...

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