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Medicine Notes Organisation of the Body Notes

Histology Of Blood Vessels Notes

Updated Histology Of Blood Vessels Notes

Organisation of the Body Notes

Organisation of the Body

Approximately 257 pages

1st year Oxford notes and tutorial essays in the module Organisation of the body. ...

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Circulatory system


-there are two separate but connected components: cardiovascular system, transports blood around the body lymphatic vascular system , collects excess extracellular fluid and returns it to the cardiovascular system

-cardiovascular system: made of a heart which pumps blood and blood vessels which transport it around the body.

-Heart pumps blood at high pressure- transmitted through large elastic arteries that carry blood away from the heart- smaller muscular arteries- thin walled- capillary beds- drained by venules

-the cardiovascular system is divided into the pulmonary circulation- deoxgynated blood pumped from the right side of the heart to the lungs where it is oxygenated and returned to the left side of the heart. This circulation is low resistance and low pressure Systemic circulation: oxygenated blood pumped by the left side of the heart and returns to the right after completing a circuit- high resitance and high arterial pressure

-portal system: Blood is carried from one site to another without directly involving the heart: hepatic portal system, hypothalamic pituitary portal system

Blood vessels


-O2, co2 delivery

-Nutrient delivery

-Waste removal

-Delivery of hormonal signals

-control blood flow

Structure of vessels

-all arteries are composed on three concentric layers

i) Tunica intima:

-continuous sheet of flattened simple squamous endothelial cells that lines the lumen – provides a smooth surface for flow

-Supporting this is sub endothelial connective tissue- loose connective tissue

-lined with internal elastic lamina (thin band of elastic fibres)

d) initiation of coagulation: when endothelial cells are damaged they release von Willebrand factor-these attach to the underlying collagen. Glycoprotein 1b receptors on platelet membrane bind to vWf, other glycoprotein receptors bind to collagen. This leads to platelet adhesion, stimulation of the glycoprotein receptors triggers the platelet activation pathway- coagulation plug

Von willebrand’s disease: genetic disorder- individual is inacapable of producing a normal amount of Von Willebrand’s factor, problems with blood clotting- bruising easily, longer bleeding time, excessive bleeding from tooth extraction/ excessive menstrual bleeding and bloody mucous membranes

e) angiogenesis: occurs in response to repair damaged vessels, or form new vessels in repairing injuries or subsequent to menstruation. New vessels arise from existing vessels due to interaction of signalling molecules angiopoietins 1 + 2 with specific receptors on endothelial cells that induce mitotic activity in pre existing endothelial cells and recruit smooth muscle cells to form the tunica media

f) synthesis of growth factors: colony stimulating factors- these induce cells of the blood lineage to undergo mitosis and produce various blood cells, growth inhibitors

oxidation of lipoproteins: endothelial cells also oxidise high cholesterol containing low density lipoproteins so that the oxidised by product can be phagocytosed by macrophages

ii)Tunica media:

thickest of three layers, circularly arranged smooth muscle cells, replaced by elastic in elastic arteries

-interspersed within the layers are elastic fibres and type 3 collagen. The collagen provides resistance and if not made properly leads to aneurysm. Ehlers Danlos syndrome 4: autosomal dominant defect in type 3 collagen- blood vessels are fragile and prone to rupture

-external elastic lamina

iii) Tunica adventitia: outermost layer of the vessel wall- fibroelastic connective tissue arranged longitudinally with adipose tissue. There is mostly fibroblasts, type 1 collagen fibres, elastic fibres, adipose tissues.

Larger vessels there is also the vaso vasorum; small blood vessels that supply the tunica adventitia and the tunica media -prevalent in veins as venous blood contains less oxygen and nutrients


-transport blood away from the heart and the relative proportions of the three layers varies in different types of arteries:

-Can be divided into three categories according to size and morphological characteristics

a) Elastic arteries (conducting arteries)

E.g major distribution vessels: Aorta, brachiocephalic trunk, common carotid, subclavian arteries, most of the large pulmonary arteries- largest of arteries, arises directly from the heart – have to withstand pressure

Structure: walls have a thick layer of elastic tissue that occupy most of the tunica media, walls are yellow due to abundance of elastin- the sheets of elastin are separated by smooth muscle fibres, collagen

-Elastin-insoluable protein polymer, synthesised from tropoelastin-linear polypeptide, made of small non polar amino acids, also contains proline and lysine. Tropoelastin is secreted into the extracellular space and interacts with glycoprotein microfibrils-fibrillin-this functions as a scaffold onto which tropoelastin is deposided, cross links form between the tropoelastin-elastin-interconnected rubbery network that can stretch

Function: When blod expelled from the heart during systole walls need to withstand pressure- elastic fibres allow distension of arteries, it also stabalises blood flow and maintains arterial pressure during diastole- blood flow is highly pulsatile

Pathology: a) Ageing: loss of elasticity- increases peripheral resistnace- increase in arterial blood pressure-heart failure due to increased afterload b) Marfans : genetic disease, misfolding of fibrillin 1 protein- fibrillin is key glycoprotein that forms the elastin microfibril that forms the scaffold which organises deposition of protein elastin. Elastin is formed by the crosslinking soluable tropoelastin monomers-dilated aorta/aortic aneurysm

-further from the heart the amount of elastin decreases and media becomes more muscular

b)Muscular arteries

-make up most of the named arteries – E.g Femur, carotid arteries

Structure: Thick Tunica media is made up mostly of many layers of smooth muscle cells- some have 3/4 layers of...

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