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Medicine Notes Organisation of the Body Notes

Meiosis Notes

Updated Meiosis Notes

Organisation of the Body Notes

Organisation of the Body

Approximately 257 pages

1st year Oxford notes and tutorial essays in the module Organisation of the body. ...

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Key terms

PLOIDY- refers to the number of copies of each chromosome present in the cell nucleus

N (number)- refers to the number of copies of each unique double stranded DNA molecule in nucleus

-haploid gametes with one DNA molecule per chromosome are 1N

-diploid cells with one DNA per chromosome (mother and father)- 2N

Meiosis- process of cell division that occurs only in the germ line. Diploid germ cell undergoes 2 successive nuclear and cell division to form 4 haploid gametes that are 1N cells


-preliminary step in meiosis is the replication of chromosomal DNA molecule, diploid cell is converted from 2N to 4N. Once the DNA replicates, there are 2 chromatids are joined together at a structure called the centromere

This stage forms the primary oocyte and in males the primary spermatocyte

Meiosis 1- reduction cell division


-chromosomes condense into a compact double stranded structure

-late stages of prophase, the double stranded chromosomes of each homologous pair match up, centromere to centromere, to form a joint structure known as a chiasma

-chiasma formation makes is possible for 2 homologous chromosomes to exchange large segments of DNA by a process called crossing over- exchange of maternal and paternal genes

-recombination of genetic material on homologous maternal and paternal chromosomes is random and increases the genetic variability of the future gametes

At this stage, the primary oocyte enters a phase of meiotic arrest


-four stranded chiasma structures are organised on the equator of spindle apparatus

-the homologous pair of chromosomes align randomly at the metaphase plate- independent...

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