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Medicine Notes Medical Finals & OSCEs Notes

Burns Notes

Updated Burns Notes

Medical Finals & OSCEs Notes

Medical Finals & OSCEs Notes

Approximately 119 pages

This is my collection of typed notes and diagrams made for my Finals in Medicine, both the written exams and the Objective Structured Clinical Examinations, OSCEs, which we all dread. I found that making not only academic notes, but also notes of practical use for the OSCEs was very valuable.

This pack includes OSCE notes of clinical examination walkthroughs and clinical signs, examination interpretation, presentation and summaries for various OSCE subjects, as well as chest x-ray Interpretati...

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Medical Finals & OSCEs Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:


6% of burn victims have an inhalational injury. There is twice the chance of death if there is inhalational injury.

80% have flame burns ( v deep and serious) or scalds (usually children)


Flare, scald, contact, frostbite, chemical (acid or alkali), electrical (high/low voltage).

Alkali burns more deeply than acid: acid coagulates proteins so stops itself, alkali liquefies tissues so keeps going.

Electricitymuscles contract, flexors stronger than extensors, so flex extremely strongly.

Electricityall conducting tissue, nerves so completely die anaesthesia; heart so arrhythmias; muscles so they swell.

Feed patients with big burns early as microbial translocation in the gut occurs due to the large-scale intestinal barrier loss of the gut, and they are also in a very catabolic state, for months afterwards too.


Hx- enclosed space? breathing smoke, CO etc. Found unconscious? length of time trapped

O/E – face burns, oral/nasal burns, carbonaceous sputum, hoarse, stridor.

Ix –

  • CO poisoning, do not use sats probe (which detects carboxyhaemoglobin so gives a false reading). Look for ‘cherry red’ tongue and bounding pulse

  • PaO2 is usually normal as the same amount of oxygen is dissolved in the blood.

  • But SaO2 decreases as CO is bound.

  • PaCO2 is normal (or down to an increased RR)

  • Decreased pH

  • Increased lactate (anaerobic respiration)

  • Thus a metabolic acidosis

Resuscitation (get to ITU and get senior help and call Regional Burns Unit early)


  • Thermal burn to upper airway, direct damageoedema closes off. Therefore prophylactically intubate them before the airway closes off in a few hours

  • Intubate early and ventilate and give 100% O2.

  • Look for cervical spine injury e.g. if they jumped out of a building


  • Circumferential chest burn coagulates skin proteins so skin cannot expand so lung failure occurs.

  • Escharotomy = cut to release constriction. Use a diathermy to avoid further bleeding, use a scalpel if in dire straits. Cut the anterior axillary line, the...

Buy the full version of these notes or essay plans and more in our Medical Finals & OSCEs Notes.