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Medicine Notes Medical Finals & OSCEs Notes

Endocrinology Notes

Updated Endocrinology Notes

Medical Finals & OSCEs Notes

Medical Finals & OSCEs Notes

Approximately 119 pages

This is my collection of typed notes and diagrams made for my Finals in Medicine, both the written exams and the Objective Structured Clinical Examinations, OSCEs, which we all dread. I found that making not only academic notes, but also notes of practical use for the OSCEs was very valuable.

This pack includes OSCE notes of clinical examination walkthroughs and clinical signs, examination interpretation, presentation and summaries for various OSCE subjects, as well as chest x-ray Interpretati...

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Pituitary Tumours

Endocrine vs local effects

Local effects: CNS + visual fields (optic chiasm compressionbitemporal hemianopia)+ headache


Most common pituitary tumour. Usually a microadenoma i.e. <1cm. Most are sporadic; also MEN1. Of lactotroph cells. P

PC: oligo/amenorrhea, galactorrhoea, decreased libido and fertility, erectile dysfunction

Ix: prolactin serum level. MRI pituitary

Mx: Mainstay is medical. Ergot dopamine agonists e.g. cabergoline (need an echocardiogram with this as it leads to valve disease)

Differential Dx: metaclopramide, domperidone, haloperidol, pregnancy/lactation, hypothyroidism, PCOS, CRF

Non-functioning pituitary adenoma

Second commonest pituitary tumour

PC: mass effects and/or hypopituitarism; rarely, pituitary apoplexy (bleed into pituitary gland, differential diagnosis of SAH)

Mx: monitor with annual MRI. Replace hormones. Transphenoidal pituitary resection, radiotherapy.


PC: Weight loss/gain; lethargy; hypotension; oligo/amenorrhoea; decreased libido and fertility; thirst, polyuria, polydipsia

Biochem: Often done in 1 blood test:

  • IGF1

  • Prolactin

  • LF, FSH

  • TSH, T4, T3

  • 9am testosterone/oestradiol

  • 9am cortisol

  • Urine and plasma osmolalities

  • U & Es (hyponatraemia in SIADH)

Mx: Replace hormones in this order: Hydrocortisone; levothyroxine; sex hormones; GH replacement. If there is posterior hypopituitarism, treat diabetes insipidus with desmopressin.


Anterior pituitary somatotroph cells, majority spontaneous, macroadenomas, in MEN1 or FIPA syndromes.


  • Musculoskeletal: increased interdental space, frontal bossing, prognathism, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis, soft tissue swelling, macroglossia

  • Respiratory: sleep apnoea

  • Metabolic: diabetes mellitus/impaired glucose tolerance

  • Cardio: hypertension, LVH

  • Nervous: pituitary tumour effects, carpal tunnel syndrome, diabetic polyneuropathy, nerve compression elsewhere e.g. facial nerve through temporal petrous bone

  • Gastrointestinal: colonic polypsmalignancy

Dx: random IGF1 level high. Random GH levels are not useful. Oral glucose tolerance test shows no suppression of GH.

Mx: transphenoidal pituitary resection. If large, give somatostatin analogue or radiotherapy.

Cushing’s Syndrome

Microadenoma of corticotroph cells of anterior pituitary true Cushing’s Disease


  • Skin: acne, hirsutism, striae, thin skinbruising

  • Metabolic: centripetal obesity, interscapular and supraclavicular fat pads, ‘buffalo hump’, ‘moon face’, impaired glucose tolerance

  • Cardio: hypertension

  • Musculoskeletal: proximal myopathy, osteoporosis

Dx: May not see microadenoma on MRI pituitary. No suppression of cortisol on low dose dexamethasone test. Then do a high dose dexamethasone test to if CRH is inappropriately high too (for hypothalamic CRH production). Can do inferior petrosal sinus sampling to lateralise the tumour prior to surgery.

Mx: Surgery. Fails: more surgery. Bilateral adrenalectomy if severe (Nelson’s Syndrome: accelerated growth of ACTH-cells due to no negative feedback from circulating cortisol)

Adrenal Cushing’s

An adrenal adenoma or carcinoma produces corticosteroid. ACTH is low.

Dx: Failure to suppress on low dose dexamethasone and ACTH is low.

Mx: Adrenalectomy and medical cortisol-producing blockers.

Risks: Increased risk of PE, DVT, and overwhelming infection.


To diagnose, need two out of three of: oligo/amenorrhoea; hyperandrogenism; polycystic ovaries on USS. Exclude Cushing’s, CAH, pituitary adenoma, testosterone-producing tumours.

Mx: lose weight, metformin, Dianette, androgen receptor blocker (spironolactone) or androgen production blocker (finasteride).



  • Primary hyperparathyroidism

  • Malignancy: myeloma, bone metastases

  • Vitamin D intoxication

  • Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia (urinary calcium is inappropriately low, thus causing the hypercalcaemia; in contrast, in primary hyperparathyroidism the urine calcium will be appropriately high)

  • Drugs: thiazides, Lithium, hyperthyroidism

  • Immobilisation

  • Tertiary hyperparathyroidism

  • Addison’s Disease

Primary hyperparathyroidism

Usually a solitary parathyroid adenoma. Sometimes parathyroid hyperplasia. Very rarely, a parathyroid cancer (in MEN1/2).

Biochem: Increased PTH, increased plasma calcium, increased urinary calcium

Ix: USS neck. Sestamibi scan. DEXA for osteoporosis. Exclude myeloma and bone metastases. Renal USS (?tertiary hyperparathyroidism)

Mx: surgery if symptomatic, or if asymptomatic with bad biochemistry, or if symptomatic with osteoporosis



  • Graves’ disease

  • MNG

  • Toxic adenoma

  • Exogenous iodine or thyroxine (weight loss, iatrogenic)

  • Early phase thyroiditis esp. Hashimoto’s

  • Amiodarone (can also cause hypothyroidism)

  • Lithium

  • TSHoma of the pituitary (rare)

  • Thyroid storm

  • Choriocarcinomaincreased betahCG

Symptoms & Signs of all types of hyperthyroidism:

  • Irritability, anxiety

  • Psychosis

  • Fatigue,...

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