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Medicine Notes Medical Finals & OSCEs Notes

To Complete My Examination Notes

Updated To Complete My Examination Notes

Medical Finals & OSCEs Notes

Medical Finals & OSCEs Notes

Approximately 119 pages

This is my collection of typed notes and diagrams made for my Finals in Medicine, both the written exams and the Objective Structured Clinical Examinations, OSCEs, which we all dread. I found that making not only academic notes, but also notes of practical use for the OSCEs was very valuable.

This pack includes OSCE notes of clinical examination walkthroughs and clinical signs, examination interpretation, presentation and summaries for various OSCE subjects, as well as chest x-ray Interpretati...

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Medical Finals & OSCEs Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:

To Complete my Examination...

Neuro upper limb

To complete my examination I would like to

  • Test [vibration,] pain and temperature sensation

  • Complete a vascular examination

  • Complete a full neurological examination, including the cranial nerves, lower limbs and gait examinations

  • Assess the patient’s autonomic function by doing a lying-standing blood pressure and asking about problems such as urinary retention, constipation and sexual dysfunction

  • Assess the patient’s functional ability by asking them to write, do up buttons, open their wallet, walk or climb stairs, and ask about falls

  • Take a full history and a collateral history

  • Assess the patient’s cognitive ability and mood using the Beck Depression Score or PHQ9 and GPCOG or Montreal Cognitive Assessment

Neuro lower limb

To complete my examination I would like to

  • Test [vibration,] pain and temperature sensation

  • Examine the sensation of the genitalia and perineal area and sphincter tone and palpate for a large hard bladder to the umbilicus as may be seen in urinary retention due a neuropathic bladder

  • Complete a vascular examination

  • Complete a full neurological examination, including the cranial nerves and upper limbs examinations

  • Assess the patient’s autonomic nervous system status by doing a lying-standing blood pressure and asking about autonomic problems such as urinary retention, constipation and sexual dysfunction

  • Assess the patient’s functional ability by asking them to write, do up buttons, open their wallet, walk or climb stairs

  • Take a falls history

  • Take a full history and a collateral history

  • Assess the patient’s cognitive ability and mood using the Beck Depression Score or PHQ9 and GPCOG or Montreal Cognitive Assessment


To complete my examination, I would like to...

  • Do a cardiovascular...

Buy the full version of these notes or essay plans and more in our Medical Finals & OSCEs Notes.