These are not proprietary rights. Mere personal permission to use the land in question.
King v David Allen [1916] – licence to advertising company was not enforceable against the new tenants of a cinema.
Do not bind a third party, they cannot be put on the register, cannot generate an overriding interest.
No formalities to do with their creation.
Can arise orally, written agreement, deed, conduct.
Three Categories of Licence:
Bare license: permission without payment, sometimes known as a gratuitous license
Terminable by the land owner on giving reasonable notice (Robson v Hallett), terminable without liability.
License coupled with a grant: M(D calls this academic over-analysis)
The land owner might give somebody a property right, which may require ancillary permission (e.g. access to land). License has no independent existence
Jones v Earl of Tankeville [1909]
Contractual license: this is where the land owner gives permission in return for contractual consideration (e.g. being in lectures, riding the tube)
The terms of this license are often established by a document. Remedies are contractual.
Some argue there is also a fourth category: estoppel license
This is an oxymoron. Historically, many cases of estoppel grew out of a license – people...
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