No general duty of disclosure during negotiation
But duty not to make false statements of fact/law to induce the other party into contracting
Induces the party to contract but isn’t a term of contract not a mere promise/ contractual term
Term - parties intended for it to be a term (i.e. to provide warranty/guarantee/promise as to statement’s accuracy (Oscar Chess Ltd v Williams; Dick Bentley Productions v Harold Smith)
Promise -an undertaking to do/not to do something creating an expectation protected by law
Representation -asserts existence of a given state of affairs, either true or false + invites reliance w/out constituting an undertaking to bring about that state of affairs
some positive conduct (written, oral etc.)
silence is insufficient (With v O’Flanagan) nor mere failure to disclose
of existing fact or law
NOT if:
mere puff – statement that’s too vague
the more specific, the less likely to be a mere puff
honestly held statement of opinion/belief which proves to be unfounded (Bisset v Wilkinson)
where representor has greater knowledge/special skill, court will imply that representation must be made w/reasonable care & skill(Esso Petroleum v Mardon)
facts are known to both parties = what one says to another is often merely expression of opinion
astatement of intent unless D misstates his present intention (Edgington v Fitzmaurice)
But courts are flexible in defining a ‘statement’ can be made by conduct or words
addressed to the party misled
by direct communication
by communication to TPw/intent to be passed on to C
which induced C to enter into contract
doesn’t have to besole inducementactively present in representee’s mind (Edgington v Fitzmaurice)
Ccan’t show inducement where he was:
unaware of representation
knew it wasn’ttrue
didn’t allow it to affect his judgment
placed reliance on TP when entering into contract
D corrected him & drew attn. to correction prior to any reliance
not sufficient that C could have discovered the truth he must have actually discovered it!
... and was material (possibly)
meaning unclearstatement which would affectthe judgment of reasonable man on whether to contract on those terms
All entitle representee to rescind but not all give rise to action for damages!!
Fraudulent = rescission +tort of deceit (Derry v Peek)
proof of fraudfalse representation made either:
w/out belief in its truth
recklessly/carelessly whether it’s true or false
unreasonableness of belief doesn’t constitute fraud but provides evidence of dishonesty
D’s motive is immaterial
deceit is not likely to be invoked fraud is very difficult to prove (Smith New Court Securities v Scrimgeour Vickers Ltd)
Negligent - Common Law
Hedley Byrne- assumption of responsibility(doesn’t have to be voluntary) + foreseeable detrimental reliance of Cobjective test principal factors in determining scope:
representor’s knowledge
the greater his knowledge of representee + purposes for which he’s likely to rely, the more likely it is thathe’s liable
possibly, requirement of special skill
purpose for which statement was made by representor
w/intent forrepresentee to rely = likely liable
general public circulation = unlikely liable
was it reasonable for representee to rely on the statement?
made on social occasion =unlikely
made in commercial context =likely
Negligent/Purely Innocent– s2(1) 1967 Act
Where misrepismade by one contracting party to another, he’s liable for damages unless
had reasonable grounds to believe; and
did believe up until the time when contract was made
that statement he was making was true (operates independently of Hedley Byrne)
Advantages of using this over common law
don’t need to satisfyHedley Byrne
burden of proof on representor not easy to discharge (likely to recover even if fails @ common law) (Howard Marine v Odgen)
damages = tort of deceit (as if D has been fraudulent)
C must have recourse to a common law claim where
Representation was made by TP - s2(1) only applies where misrepwasmade by contr. party
Contract is void ab initio(e.g. b/c of non est factum) = no contract to which s2(1) could apply
Innocent misrep – neither negligent/nor fraudulent
A party induced into contract by misrep. can seek remedy in either:
Rescission –contract set aside for all purposes (retrospectively & prospectively)+ aim to restore parties as far as possible back to position they would have been in but formisrep
No contr. damages but could claim in tort/statute+ restitution
Available for all types, subject to court’s discretion to award damages in lieu under s2(2) 1967 Act
C has a right of electionif chooses to rescind, must notify representor of his decision by:
seeking a declaration that contract’s invalid
restoring what he’s obtained under contract
relying upon misrep as defence to an action on the contract (Redgrave v Hurd)
If D deliberately makes it hard/impossible for Cgive notice, some evidence of trying will suffice, as long as reasonable in the circumstances (Car & Universal Finance Co v Caldwell)
C may lose right to rescind by:
affirming the contract w/Dafter discovering thetruth
BF purchaser for value acquires goods b/f contract has been set aside
lapse of time unless fraudulent misrep (Leaf v International Galleries)
where it’s impossible to restore parties back to pre-contractual position (main one) - C...
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