Should we have a general doctrine of unfairness?
Why hasn’t the law adopted one?
Cautious incremental extensions are better than wider reform
Chen Wishart: garbage, this must be weighed against the desirability of recognising a general principle which highlights the similarities underpinning discrete categories
Such as the neighbourhood principle in tort law under negligence
COUNTER: but the neighbourhood principle (proximity) is liable to change in different circumstances – in different situations it will be different, not the same.
Shows that while you can have a general concept, you need to tailor it specifically to a situation – which is what is done at the moment.
General doctrine would lead to uncertainty
Piecemeal doctrines also lead to uncertainty
A general principle against unfairness would undermine freedom to contract
Chen Wishart: there are already loads of restrictions on the freedom to contract
E.g. consumers, tenants, employees all protected by Statutory regulations and restrictions
Vitiating factors such as duress and undue influence tend to have this function as well
Judges will use backward reasoning to avoid an unfair result anyway
Remedies are also concerned with fairness to the contract breaker.
Suggested means of implementation
Undue influence
Lord Scarman in Pao On v Lau Yiu Long [1980]:
Royal Bank of Scotland v Ettridge
Doctrine of undue influence is wide enough to assimilate the various doctrines of duress, unconscionability, undue influence etc.
Chen Wishart: however, this only seems to target relationships of influence, not anything else.
Inequality of bargaining power
Lord Denning in Lloyds Bank v Buddy
Thread running through doctrines is inequality of bargaining power – we look to unfair results, parties who enter into transactions without independent advice, whose bargaining power is impaired and who is put under pressure
We’re not looking at proof of wrongdoing, only the result
Lord Scarman in Pao On v Lau Yiu Long [1980]:
Per US Law – anything the court thinks it shouldn’t give effect to
Potentially very wide indeed.
Good faith
Ugh, French and European Law quite like this.
General doctrine?
Chen Wishart: Law tends to cluster around three areas
Substantive Unfairness – Moi – not necessarily for duress or undue influence.
Bargaining Weakness
Whether a personal impairment – disability, romance, relationship of influence
Or circumstantial disadvantage – e.g. susceptibility to illegitimate pressure (duress) or being in need of rescue (relief) or belonging to a protected class
Exploitation of that weakness
Party exploiting that weakness either actively and confrontationally or passively and emotively.
Chen Wishart:
Cases should be allowed...
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