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Law Notes Land Law Notes

Creation, Assignment And Registration Of Leases Notes

Updated Creation, Assignment And Registration Of Leases Notes

Land Law Notes

Land Law

Approximately 987 pages

Land Law notes fully updated for recent exams at Oxford and Cambridge. These notes cover all the LLB land law cases and so are perfect for anyone doing an LLB in the UK or a great supplement for those doing LLBs abroad, whether that be in Ireland, Hong Kong or Malaysia (University of London).

These were the best Land Law notes the director of Oxbridge Notes (an Oxford law graduate) could find after combing through dozens of LLB samples from outstanding law students with the highest results...

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Creation, assignment and registration of leases


  • This is regulated by our old friend the LPA 1925

    • Number of things required:

      • S.53(1)(a): All interests must be created by writing signed by the person creating the interest

      • S.52(1): Must be created by deed

      • S.54(1): All other interests created by parol but not writing have the effect as interests at will only, notwithstanding any consideration given.

    • Two principal exceptions:

      • Assent by personal representative only requires writing

      • Short leases need not be entered into with great formality

        • Indeed. s.54(2): If lease of period not exceeding three years

          • Then oral lease is acceptable

            • So long as stipulates

              • best rent which could be reasonably obtained without taking a fine

              • And possession is taken immediately (so lease can’t be postponed)

        • LRA 2002 Sch 1 para 1: Legal leases of less than seven years are overriding interests so long as not discontinuous nor future leases

          • Equally s.33(2)(b): three year leases can’t be registered.

          • Smith: However, leads to fine distinctions re: “immediate possession”= agreement for lease for a year granted in six months will be fine

            • As it is an agreement for immediate possession after grant

            • Whereas agreement for immediate lease to take effect in a few days will fall out of the statute.


  • Legal lease exceeding seven years may be registered in same way as fee simple

    • Means could be number of legal titles on same plot of land

    • Smith: point of doing this is protect long leases where freehold land is not actually registered.

      • And also to prevent the register of interests on a freehold covenant becoming unduly cumbersome.

    • Compulsory Registration

      • LRA 2002 S.4(2) Whether Landlord title registered or not, every grant of lease for more than seven years must be registered

        • Otherwise you get no legal estate.

    • Exceptions to 7 year rule

      • Future lease under which possession will be taken in the future must be registered

        • Because they represent a trap to purchasers.

          • Therefore not an overriding interest (no occupation) and must be registered to have effect. Under LRA 2002

      • LRA 2002 s.3(4) For similar reasons discontinuous leases must be registered.

The impact of Electronic Conveyancing

  • Electronic Communications Act 2000 s.91

    • Provides that so long as

      • All terms incorporated

      • Date and time of contract is provided for

      • And electronic signatures of persons are certified

        • Then no need to comply with writing requirements of LP(MP)A 1989 s.2

  • Land Registration Act 2002 s.91

    • Applies to any disposition of a registered interest or interest protected by notice on the register

      • And means that it must have a valid electronic disposition

        • Which is treated as a deed for statutory purposes.

    • Smith: significance of this goes beyond the simple replacement of conventional documentation

      • Means that all entries will be placed on register...

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