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What Is The Driver Behind Proprietary Estoppel Notes

Updated What Is The Driver Behind Proprietary Estoppel Notes

Land Law Notes

Land Law

Approximately 987 pages

Land Law notes fully updated for recent exams at Oxford and Cambridge. These notes cover all the LLB land law cases and so are perfect for anyone doing an LLB in the UK or a great supplement for those doing LLBs abroad, whether that be in Ireland, Hong Kong or Malaysia (University of London).

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What is the driver behind proprietary estoppel?

Is the driver expectation?

  • C definitely needs to expect something – but this only seems to establish a claim in proprietary estoppel

    • You’re going to need something extra to get relief for it

    • McFarlane and Bright: Basis of estoppel is merely to protect B’s reasonable reliance where A can be said to be responsible for the expectation on which the reliance was based

      • Pascoe v Turner [1979]: D suggested giving entire house to C as relief = excessive.

        • Cumming Bruce LJ:

          • Court should consider all the circumstances, and must decide what is the minimum equity to do justice to D owing to detrimental reliance caused by C

            • Clear that C is poor and D is rich and will not suffer much loss while C will suffer grave loss

          • Equity cannot here be satisfied w/o granting remedy which assures to the defendant security of tenure without interference from C

            • and a clean break

  • Should we have to expect some kind of proprietary right?

    • Cobbe v Yeoman’s Row [2008]:

      • Lord Scott

        • The problem in this case is that there is no proprietary right specifically examined

          • And unconscionability of conduct may well lead to a remedy but proprietary estoppel cannot be the route to it

          • To treat a “proprietary estoppel equity” as requiring neither a proprietary claim by the claimant

            • but simply unconscionable behaviour is a recipe for confusion

    • Dixon: does ensure that we don’t create new rights ad hoc

      • The law of real property places limits on the ability of persons to create property rights--usually, the parties must employ a degree of formality.

        • The extent to which estoppel permits the claimant to obtain a property right without such formality

          • necessarily contradicts the policy of certainty that is inherent in the statutory formality rules.

    • But there are other ways to limit this without requiring the claimant to specifically know what proprietary right they’re after

      • Thorner looks to how the ingredients of estoppel--assurance, reliance and detriment--should be defined so as to limit claims of estoppel.

        • Rather than reclassifying proprietary estoppel as a form of promissory estoppel

        • This is not to say they were wholly successful –

          • Lord Walker in Thorner = what sort of assurance depends hugely on the context

Is it what someone has detrimentally relied on?

  • Gardner: There are hints of this, but different interpretations of what reliance means and how much you need

    • Narrowest: C unlikely to win

      • Khoons v Smith

        • C acts in reliance on her belief

          • Only if action was primarily motivated by the belief

    • Second:

      • Greasley v Cooke [1980]:

        • Lord Denning:

          • It is sufficient if the party, to whom the assurance is given, acts on the faith of it

            • in such circumstances that it would be unjust for the party making the assurance to go back on it

    • Widest:

      • Wayling v Jones [1995]: C relies detrimentally on X’s promise to give hotel on death. C then says that had X told him he’d gone back on promises, C would leave, but if had not made promises would probably have stayed even with detriments.

        • Balcombe LJ:

          • Although C agreed that if the promises had not been made he would have remained with X with the same detriments

            • The fact that X promised those promises meant that C would have left had X re-enged on them

          • Thus, X behaved in the way he did because of the promises made

            • And that is the only consideration that matters.

  • And judges don’t seem to be want to be tied down to it when considering relief

    • Gillett v Holt [2001]:

      • Walker LJ: court must look at the matter in the round – should have discretion not just tied down to specific rules.

        • Detriment is required. But the authorities also show that it is not a narrow or technical concept.

          • The requirement must be approached as part of a broad inquiry as to whether repudiation of an assurance is unconscionable in all the circumstances

Something between the two?

  • General discretion between reliance and expectation?

    • Jennings v Rice [2003]:

      • Walker LJ:

        • Unlike Gardner suggests, the court does not have a completely unfettered discretion to do what it likes

          • If there is something close to a specific agreement then the court will likely give effect to it

        • However, If C’s expectations are uncertain then their specific vindication cannot be the appropriate test.

          • And giving effect to the expectation in proportion to the detriment will be appropriate.

  • Problems

    • Gardner: The distinction is inapt

      • 1. Unlikely that many cases will fall clearly on one side or the other

      • 2. And Otter v Grundy avoided doing this as fact that analysing relationship breakdowns in terms of fault is generally distasteful and unrealistic

        • Means that we have encountered a problem Walker LJ’s distinction can’t deal with.

      • 3. Equally, while detriment is required to meet the expectation for non-bargain cases

        • The same could be said of the bargain cases –they also rely on detriment, but underlying assumption that detriment is equivalent to the expectation, so nothing in the distinction.

    • Calling it proportionality does not assist

      • Bright and McFarlane: This is the minimum equity to do justice

      • Gardner: What is proportionality?

        • Hard to say anything other than when C’s reliance and expectation interests differ, the judge should pitch the outcome somewhere between the two.

          • To pitch between two, expectation and reliance must be quantifiable

            • But clearly valid claim can...

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