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Requirements For Leases - Land Law

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Requirements for Leases

Features of Leases

  • Can all be sold or assigned to purchasers

    • Although will normally need consent of Landlord to do this

  • Are normally an estate recognised by Law

    • They allow enjoyment of land for a fixed period of time

    • Two tenancies which are not estates though:

      • Tenancy at Will

      • Tenancy at Sufferance

Requirements of Leases

  • Rent

    • Normally a feature, but a Lease can exist without rent.

      • Ashburn Anstalt v Arnold [1989]:

        • Fox LJ: Lord Templeman could not have meant that you needed rent as well as exclusive possession

          • Indeed, this would be contrary to LPA 1925 s.205(1)(xxvii) which states that lease can exist “whether or not rent”

    • Courts will also try to give effect to agreements where parties specify rent will be agreed in the future

      • Agreements to agree won’t stand

        • References to market value at different times will suffice

        • Or that rent will change from year to year will also be okay.

  • Commencement

    • Leases must have a certain beginning (and a certain ending)

      • LPA s.149(3): Lease may either commence immediately or up to 21 years upon agreement as parties stipulate

        • s.205 (1) (xxvii): Leases that don’t commence immediately = “future estates”

        • BUT LRA 2002 s.4(1)(d) says that such leases need to be registered to bind purchasers of future leased land – they are not overriding interests.

      • However, contracts for leases are not covered by this statutory requirement

        • Thus, you can agree by contract in 2005 to grant a lease in the year 2030, to take effect in 2035

          • Cos only five years passes between the grant and commencement.

        • Smith: convenient result of this is that covenants to renew long leases are valid

          • As a covenant to renew a lease exceeding 21 years will invariably be exercised more than 21 years from date of covenant

  • Length

    • While parties can agree on whatever length they wish for a lease

      • This must be certain and fixed at the time of commencement, although it need not be certain at grant

        • Law is concerned only with maximum duration, however

          • So lease can legitimately be terminated before this duration for forfeiture.

    • While Law will not strike down periodic tenancies for a lack of certainty (i.e. where L and T agree that T will take possession and pay rent for a week/month/year at a time, terminable by each party depending on notice) it will strike down anything else:

      • Prudential Assurance Co v London Residuary Body [1992]: N sold strip of land in front of shop to X which then leased it back to N until road widening project went forward. This never went forward and in 1988 LRB (successor to X) attempted to stop P, as successor in title, from using the land.

        • Lord Templeman (maj):

          • S.205(1)(xxvii) holds that terms of years absolute =

            • term of years either certain or liable to determination by notice, operation of law or on provision of redemption or any other event

              • term here does not fall within this definition

          • The possession and rent paying of the “tenant” under the void lease created an implied periodic yearly tenancy which can be ended by six months notice

            • But this cannot give effect to the term which only allows the landlord to give notice to quit on the road widening

              • This would contradict concept that a grant for an uncertain term does not create a lease.

        • Lord Browne Wilkinson (dis):

          • N’s successors in title will now be left with the freehold of some retail premises which don’t look out onto street

            • Bizarre outcome comes from ancient and technical rule of law who nobody has ever shown any point to.

  • Exclusive Possession

    • Every lease must involve exclusive possession

      • Smith: other factors, such as term and rent, may disappear, as in tenancies at will or sufferance

      • But exclusive possession is so fundamental a requirement it is rarely challenged.

        • Street v Mountford [1985]: C agreed with M that M, in exchange for 37 a week, could have exclusive occupation of two rooms. The agreement described itself throughout as a license, and either party was entitled to terminate the agreement by giving 14 days notice.

          • Lord Templeman:

            • Fact that both parties appear to intend that they both should only have a personal right is irrelevant

              • If what you have both freely agreed satisfies the requirement of a lease by Law.

                • Then it is a lease no matter what you try and call it.

            • The manufacture of a five pronged instrument for manual digging results in a fork,

              • even if the manufacturer, unfamiliar with the English language,

                • insists what has been created is a spade.


  • Was Prudential a harsh decision as stated by Lord Browne Wilkinson?

    • Wilde: Compare to Periodic Tenances

      • With periodic tenancies certainty achieved because the term is fixed as ending after a year, but being automatically renewable unless consent withheld

        • If we added in a restriction “until it is needed for road widening” then this would still satisfy the certainty requirements

          • You would still have a yearly periodic tenancy renewable each year

            • Just one party would have its right to withhold consent limited.

      • So why can we be restricted from withholding consent for a term of 5 years with an annual periodic tenancy but not one year?

        • Moi: 2 examples are entirely different

          • 5 year term can be cut short by the restriction (need for road widening) but renewal is limited to 5 times so can be ended on 6th occasion.

          • Year long periodic tenancy will continue until the event occurs, and will keep renewing perpetually.

            • It’s the fact that there is no upper limit on the number of times it can be renewed that is the problem – its length is uncertain.

    • Smith: Nature of leasehold different from freehold

      • Nature of freehold estate is to last for an indeterminate length of time (e.g. for life per life estate, forever per fee simple absolute...)

        • Nature of leases is entirely different – it is for a specific length of time

          • Would be unable to distinguish between lease and freehold if allowed...

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