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What Can Be An Easement Notes

Updated What Can Be An Easement Notes

Land Law Notes

Land Law

Approximately 987 pages

Land Law notes fully updated for recent exams at Oxford and Cambridge. These notes cover all the LLB land law cases and so are perfect for anyone doing an LLB in the UK or a great supplement for those doing LLBs abroad, whether that be in Ireland, Hong Kong or Malaysia (University of London).

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What can be an easement?


  • Easement = right to do something on another’s land

    • OR (in a few cases) right to prevent something being done on another’s land

    • E.g. Rights of way, rights of light, rights of support

      • And any other rights which have been properly created.


  • Re Ellenborough Park [1956]:

    • Evershed MR:

      • Four characteristics of an easement:

        • (1) there must be a dominant and a servient tenement:

        • (2) an easement must "accommodate" the dominant tenement:

        • (3) dominant and servient owners must be different persons, and

        • (4) a right over land cannot amount to an easement, unless it is capable of forming the subject-matter of a grant.

Dominant and servient tenements

  • One piece of land must be adversely affected by the right (the servient land)

    • The other piece of land must benefit from the right (the dominant land)

      • Thus, you can’t have a right to cross someone’s land to reach a helicopter pad if you didn’t own the helicopter pad

        • Because you would have not land that benefitted from the right

          • And it therefore wouldn’t be an easement

      • Smith: is considered trite law, but no conclusive reason for this requirement.

    • Need not identify dominant tenement in easement document

      • But is good practise to indentify it to prevent confusion.


  • Can’t just be a benefit to the people on the land

    • Must actually benefit the land or the way the land is used itself.

      • E.g. Easement for free Liverpool tickets benefits land owners but not land itself

        • Whereas easement for right of way across neighbour’s land to road benefits my land itself b/c makes access more convenient.

    • Re Ellenborough Park [1956]:

      • Evershed MR:

        • it is not sufficient to show that the right increased the value of the property conveyed,

          • unless it is also shown that it was connected with the normal enjoyment of that property

            • this is a question primarily of fact.

  • In business use

    • Moody v Steggles [1879]: For 50 years, a sign board had hung against D’s house advertising C’s public house. D attempted to remove the signboard.

      • Fry J:

        • Fact that the easement in question benefits a business purpose does not automatically disqualify it from being granted.

        • Fact that the occupant only uses the house for the business which he pursues,

          • Means the easement is more or less connected with the mode in which the occupant uses the house and therefore should be granted.

    • Hill v Tupper [1863]: C negotiated with X that he would exclusive use of the canal for pleasure boats. D subsequently came along and also used the river for this purpose. C sued D.

      • Pollock B:

        • Can’t create rights unconnected with the use and enjoyment of land, and annex them to it so as to constitute a property in the grantee.

          • This grant merely operates as a licence or covenant on the part of the grantors (X + C),

            • And gives C no right of action in his own name against any other party who infringes this right

    • McFarlane: C in Hill was attempting to use easements to craft exclusive business on another’s land unrelated to the use of his own land, whereas C in Moody was using land for purpose related to his own land – i.e. a business.

Different owners/occupiers of dominant and servient tenements

  • Person can’t have easement over own land

    • But isn’t fatal that same person holds fee simple in both plots

      • E.g. Landlord and tenant: tenant has easement over landlord’s adjoining land.

  • But if land falls into common ownership, all easements are extinguished and must be re-granted if land then falls into differing ownership again.

  • Scot Law Com:

    • Where two plots w/ easements fall into common ownership

      • Easements should not be extinguished

        • But should become “latent” until plots fall back into common ownership.

Right = “capable of grant”

  • A) Capable of clear definition

    • If a right in unspecific and vague, it can’t be an easement

      • E.g. Smith: might explain why “rights to view”, rights to privacy etc. have not been considered easements.

  • B) Imposes no positive obligation on servient owner

    • Positive obligations can be imposed by contract or covenant, but these won’t last with a new purchaser

      • Easements, which do last from purchase to purchase, cannot impose any positive obligation

    • Rance v Elvin [1985]: S conveyed land to C w/right of uninterrupted supply of water thru S’s pipes. S sold to M, M needed to pay via meter for supply of water to flow. M argued no easement b/c positive obligation to pay for water supply so could flow through pipes.

      • Browne Wilkinson LJ

        • C claiming a right to the uninterrupted passage of any water that may come into the pipes under M's land

          • NOT a right to a supply of water;

        • Thus M need only not take action to interrupt supply to avoid infringement – if supply fails not b/c of M, then M fine.

          • Thus, this imposes no positive obligation on M, only a negative obligation.

          • If the supply is cut off b/c M fails to pay, that’s not a problem.

        • However, C must pay his share of the costs of the water.

    • The exception

      • This is where there is a leasehold covenant with the leasehold being the dominant tenement – here positive obligations can run (Liverpool CC v Irwin)

  • C) No new negative easements

    • Positive Easements: Most easements allow Dom do something to Serv’s land or on Serv’s land

    • Negative Easements: Some rare easements stop Serv from actually doing certain activities on their land

      • E.g. right to light (stopping Serv from doing any activities which would block Dom’s light)

        • Court reluctant to grant any new negative easements however – you need to use restrictive covenants (which can’t pass by prescription so are virtually never implied)

    • Phipps v Pears [1956]: D pulled down house, lead to C’s house wall being exposed to weather, caused damage.

      • Lord Denning MR:

        • A right to protection from the weather (if it exists) is entirely negative.

          • It is a right to stop your neighbour pulling down his own house.

        • Law is very wary at creating...

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