BASIC RULE = Defendant is sued in the courts of her home country (Art. 4) unless an Exception applies:
Exceptions = Contracts, Torts, situation where the Defendant has a local branch office, real property, companies, intellectual property rights (IP), insurance, consumer contracts, and employment matters
By Art.23 Basic Rule CAN be contracted out by agreement but must be
In writing or
in a form according with practices which parties established between themselves
form widely used or acknowledged in trade (25(1)(a-c));
Art.7(1)(a) Contract: if contract matter, can sue D in MS where contract should have been performed
Art.7(1)(b) Sales of Goods Contract: presumed that “place of performance of obligation” is MS where goods were / should have been delivered (see Electrosteel judgment below)
Art.7(2) Tort: D may be sued in MS where harmful event occurred / may occur
Art.7(5) Branch Office: if D has a branch or office in another MS D may be sued there if dispute arises out of the operations of that branch or office.
By Art.25 Rules on General and Special Jurisdiction CAN be contracted out; sets out formal requirements (in writing etc)
EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION: OVERRIDES the Basic Rule and Special Jurisdiction
Art. 2 Land / tenancies: MS where land is situated has exclusive jurisdiction
Art. 2 Constitution or dissolution of Co.’s: MS where Co. has it seat (i.e. Reg Office)
Art. 2 IP Rights: registration or validity of IP rights, MS where rights are registered or applied for
By Art.24 Exclusive Jurisdiction CANNOT be contracted out (ltd for insurance, consumer and employment contracts)
THE WEAK PARTY (less economic power):
Art. 17-19: Special rules for insurance, consumer and employment contracts
Art. 17-19: Weak party can generally only be sued in his own courts BUT is given choice as to whether wishes to sue in own courts or other party’s courts
Applies to eCommerce (i.e. internet seller can be sued anywhere); businesses control this by refusing to sell / deliver goods to certain jurisdictions
By Art.23 CAN be contracted out
By Art.29 Court first involved in proceedings (first seised) will have jurisdiction unless it declines
By Art. 31(2) If parties select jurisdiction under Art. 25, court may hear case if not first seised
By Arts. 36-37 Judgements in MS must be recognised+enforced, w/ some exceptions (see chart)
3 circumstances in which English courts may have jurisdiction:
a) if claim form is served on D whilst she is physically in jurisdiction
b) if D submits to jurisdiction of English courts
c) if courts authorise service of claim form out of jurisdiction
ELECTROSTEEL Europe SA v Edil Centro
Correct interpretation of expression ‘place of performance of the obligation in question’, found in the first indent of art 5(1)(b): unless otherwise agreed, the court must take account of all relevant terms and conditions ‘under the contract’, including INCOTERMS; if not possible to determine on that basis, place of delivery is where physical transfer took place.
Rome I Regulation 593/2008 = Law
APPLICATION = Art. 1(2) no need for parties to be EU national / domiciled in EU; Rome I does not apply to wills and probate and matters governed by Co. law
BASIC RULE = Art. 3(1) Ps can choose Law of Contract expressly or impliedly; if so, it governs contract
BUT Art. 3(3) Ps choice of law cannot be “shopped around”; there should be a commercial connection with the chosen Law (also by Art. 4(4) court may apply law of MS where contract is more closely connected)
Art.4 Where Ps failed to choose law Rome I will apply; law of contract is MS where S has his habitual residence UNLESS B is a consumer Art.6 (i.e. B’s MS law will apply if B is a consumer)
PRESUMPTION = Art. 4(1) states presumption of whose laws will apply to each Type of contract:
Art 4(1(a) Sale of Goods Contract = law where S has place of habitual residence
Art 4(1)(b) Sale of Services Contract = law where service provides has place of habitual residence
Art.4(1)(c) Immovable Property = law of MS where property located will apply; not appl. to contracts for repair / construction
Art. 4(1)(e) Franchise Agreement = law where franchisor has...
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