Income Tax
Calculate Total Income
Aggregate of all income from all source which charge to Income Tax
Property Income
Trading profits
Tax credit of 10% at source so need to gross up
Dividends X 10/9 = GROSS dividends
Taxed 20% at source so need to gross up
Interest X 5/4 = GROSS interest
Deduct any allowable reliefs to give NET INCOME
Interest on money borrowed to buy a share in a partnership
Interest on a loan to invest in a close trading company
Interest on a loan to personal representatives to pay inheritance tax
Deduct personal allowance to give TAXABLE INCOME
For 2011/12 it is 7,475
Where income is greater than 100,000 the personal allowance is reduced by 1 per every 2 of income above the limit
7475 – ((net income – 100,000)/2) = adjusted personal allowance
Calculate tax payable on taxable income
Employment Income = Income – (gross savings + dividend income)
20% for anything between 0 - 35,000
40% between 35,001 – 150,000
50% for over 150,000
10% for 0 – 2560
20% for 2561 – 35,000
40% for 35,001 – 150,000
50% for over 150,000
Dividends – always taxed last as the upper-most slice of income
10% if taxed at the basic rate
32.5% if taxed at the higher rate
42.5% if taxed at the additional rate
Add together the values to calculate the total tax liability subtracting what has already been paid
10% dividends have been paid
20% gross interest has been paid
Any PAYE contributions
When is payment due by?
Half instalment on 31 Jan of the current tax year
Half instalment on 31 July of the next tax year
Balance remaining/rebate on 31 Jan of next tax year
Trading Profit
Trading profit = Chargeable receipts – deductible expenditure – capital allowances
For partnerships allocate trading profit between the partners according to the way in which income profits were shared under their agreement for that accounting period
The property & income of a LLP are treated as the property & income of the members of the LLP
Chargeable Profits
Must derive from trade
Must be income in nature
Deductible expenditure
Must be income in nature
Must be wholly & exclusively used for the purposes of trade
Cannot be used for providing entertainment or gifts in connection with a trade
Subject to limited exceptions
Cannot have a dual purpose
Dividends are not deductible
Deduction cannot be prohibited by statute
Examples of deduction
General overheads
Marketing costs
Health insurance for employees
Pre-trading expenditure
Business rates
Capital allowances
Allow the depreciation of capital assets to be brought into account for taxation purposes and offset against income profit
Claim allowances where a person carries on a qualifying activity and incurs qualifying expenditure
Plant & machinery have a writing down allowance of 20%
Long life assets have a less generous writing down allowance of 10%
Assets which last for 25 years or longer
Integral appliance – part of the fabric of the building such as lifts or air conditioning units
If plant & machinery are sold, it will be necessary to compare the written-down value of the asset at time of sale with the actual sale price. If a profit results, this may be the subject of a balancing charge and form a chargeable receipt in the accounting period in which the sale takes place. If a loss result there may be a balancing allowance – a deduction from chargeable receipts
If assets are part of a pool then sale proceeds are deducted from the value of the pool so there is generally no balancing allowance or charge until trade is discontinued or the whole pool is sold
AIA = annual investment allowance of up to 100,000
Fresh, qualifying expenditure
Anything over the 100,000 threshold can be added to the pool and written down
Energy saving
Enhanced for the first year for 100% on assets certified by HM Treasury to be energy saving
In addition to AIA
Income tax is assessed on trading profits of the 12 month accounting period which ends in the tax year
Loss Reliefs for Sole Traders – Income Tax Act 2007
Deduct trading losses from other income
Ability to claim under different provisions, but cannot claim relief for the same loss twice
Sole Trader register with HMRC within 3 months of starting their business
1st tax year profits are made from the date of commencement until 5th April
2nd tax year profits are made from the date of commencement until anniversary
Final tax year profits are made from the end of the last accounting period until the date of cessation, minus the overlap profit (2nd year profit – 1st year profit)
S.72 Carry-back start up relief
Loss occurs in first 4 years of trading
Loss can be set against total income in 3 years preceding the tax year of the loss (earlier years first)
Wastes personal allowance
Claim must be made on or before the first anniversary of 31st January following the tax year in which the loss was assessed
S.64 Carry across/carry back one year relief
Loss occurs in any accounting period
Loss can be set against total income in the tax year in which the accounting year of the loss ends OR/AND the preceding tax year
Loss set off against capital gains once total income exhausted
Wastes personal allowance as the relief must be used on the whole of the income
Claim must be made on or before the first anniversary of 31st January following the tax year in which the loss was assessed
S.83 Carry Forward Relief
Loss occurs in any accounting period
Loss set against subsequent tax year trading profits or subsequent profits of the same trade until loss is absorbed (take earlier year firsts)
Allows personal allowance to be set off against other income
Claim must be made no more than 4 years after the end of the tax year to which the loss relates
S.89 Terminal relief by carry back
Loss in final 12 months of trading
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